Just a thought, but what if you could carve letters into blocks? There could be wooden signs you could read without clicking (shop signs) You could build an obelisk or monument You could initial a boulder at the top of Mount Slimian It would require a cutting/chiseling tool Could involve the alphabet / hieroglyphs / Symbols Could create glowing neon tube letters that can be attached to blocks (requires electricity to be on) Neon letters could be crafted using glass + dye + ? Side Note: This would be a heavy load for the Pixel Artists I think
This is a good idea, but I refuse to vote simply because you didn't include an "Aye!" or "Yea!" option...
Well if you look at the avian picture they have a temple with symbols on the walls so this may not be too far for any pixel artists (not that I know anything about that sort of thing)...