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RELEASED Alter the Pixel Death Penalty (Perturbed Koala)

Discussion in 'Mechanics' started by Alluvian_Est-Endrati, Dec 5, 2013.

  1. Alluvian_Est-Endrati

    Alluvian_Est-Endrati Existential Complex

    These instructions will demonstrate how to modify Starbound's configuration files in order to change the amount of Pixels lost when dying. It is possible to entirely negate Pixel loss; as well as to increase the amount of Pixels lost as well.

    These instructions are valid thus far for the Perturbed Koala Build. All that is required is a text editor, and a working knowledge of where the Starbound files are located on your machine.

    1. Navigate to the Starbound\assets directory
    2. Locate the file named: player.config
    3. Make a copy or backup of the file so it can be restored to its original state (such as making a copy named player.config.original)
    4. Open player.config with a text editor
    5. Find the following line (line 313): "absolute" : 1,
    6. Also take note of the following line (line 314): "percentile" : 30.0
    7. The "absolute" value is a numeric value that will always be deducted from the Pixel total of the character.
    8. The "percentile" value is (in addition to the absolute value) what percentage of the total Pixels accrued are lost during death.
    9. For example: If you had 10,000 pixels and died; you would be left with 6,999 after resurrection by default.
    10. Change the values as desired. To eliminate Pixel loss entirely change the values to 0
    11. Save the text file.
    12. Launch Starbound.
    If you are having trouble finding the Starbound files, do the following:

    1. Open Steam
    2. Right-click on the Starbound entry in your Library
    3. Select: Properties
    4. Change Tab: Local Files
    5. Select: Browse Local Files
    On windows this method will open up a copy of windows explorer in the appropriate directory.
  2. zer0t3ch

    zer0t3ch Void-Bound Voyager

    Is this something you can throw on the server to affect all players or is it something you put on the client to use on servers/singleplayer?
  3. Riku

    Riku Void-Bound Voyager

    As of right now the server has no way to compare packets sent from a users client to the servers code-base. That means if this code was on the hosts files it still wouldn't apply to you.
  4. dominichello

    dominichello Tentacle Wrangler

    The lines have changed on which these values appear :

    343 > "reviveCost" : {
    344 > "absolute" : 1,
    345 > "percentile" : 30.0
    346 > }

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