Traditional An Old Memory

Discussion in 'Fan Art' started by Jtl400, Jun 20, 2016.

  1. Jtl400

    Jtl400 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Gruffy here!! Just thought i may show you all a picture of Sapphire when she was a child, ive kept it in my back pocket at all times since i shot this very photo. Well here is the little avian gal that grew up to be something her late father and mother can be proud of!

    View attachment 155123

    Also this isnt totally mine, I just redrew an already drawn picture from another artist so sorry to all.. Here is the original poster, I just redrew it myself a long while ago and totally forgot to credit the original artist and far superior I may add. im so sorry to everyone for I am a joke! Have a nice day:
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2016
  2. Jareix Cryvix

    Jareix Cryvix The Waste of Time

    Ye ol' copper "helmet"... That was honestly my favorite armor for vanity... Also, that hatchling is totally adorable!
  3. Jtl400

    Jtl400 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    The copper "helmet" was one of my favorites too but that is the Pilots goggles instead, the copper helmet is actually on your eyes while pilot goggles are just resting on your head. Sorry if i sound rude or anything :rofl:.
    And thank you! Those goggles were from her late father, Comet my first mate and one hell of a friend that anyone can ever have.
  4. Jareix Cryvix

    Jareix Cryvix The Waste of Time

    No, you're right, that's actually the one I preferred... :p I'm glad they re-added the legacy armors to the game, even if they are quite expensive...
  5. Jtl400

    Jtl400 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Oh there gonna re-add it? Cool its always nice to have varieties of armour to choose.
  6. Jtl400

    Jtl400 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Also sorry about it being a bit blurry.. My bad
  7. Captain Karo

    Captain Karo Cosmic Narwhal

    Attached Files:

  8. Jtl400

    Jtl400 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Ah yes i did redraw this a long while ago, sorry i didnt give credit to the original poster. It just slipped my mind at the time and I hope theres no harsh feelings. Always gotta fess up to your mistakes in life, i am sorry to Muffin and everyone else. i never want to look like a bad guy stealing other peoples work is just straight up wrong and dirty
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2016
    Alkanthe likes this.
  9. Jtl400

    Jtl400 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I hope none of you think any less of me because of this. Love ya all!
    Alkanthe likes this.
  10. Alkanthe

    Alkanthe Supernova

    I really admire the way you responded to this, actually. I can see you're sincere now, and hey... drawing stuff other artists drew is a great way to experiment and practice! Plus, your version is super adorable too.
    Jtl400 likes this.
  11. Jtl400

    Jtl400 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Well thank you. I appreciate the compliment, If i do redraw something again i will be sure to write it down somewhere the name of the original artist I never want to be a thief. Being a thief almost always ends ya up in loads of trouble
    Alkanthe likes this.
  12. Jtl400

    Jtl400 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Here's what I will do to show you all that i can be original!! Im gonna be posting some of my old work tommorow in just the normal art forum. I would like if anyone interested come check it out!! Luv ya all.

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