Animation Error?

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Cygen, Feb 14, 2013.

  1. Cygen

    Cygen Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    While looking closer at the latest Trailer I think I happened to stumble upon an error in the Mining animation.
    The marked white dot appeared everytime at the same position whenever the Mining Animation was nearly finished but only while the charakter was facing to the left side.

    think I found another 1 this time its not a animation but something on a map.
    • Hollow

      Hollow Phantasmal Quasar

      It looks like something that would drive OCD people insane. :p
      • CJoker3221

        CJoker3221 Pangalactic Porcupine

        Guess that one pixel can make one mad o_O
        But yea, probably a spriting mistake lol
        • Cloakedboltz

          Cloakedboltz Guest

          It's more likely to be a mistake.
          • ConcernedApe

            ConcernedApe Stardew Valley Dev Developer

            hehe thanks for pointing that stuff out Cygen. The white dot is the remains of a sweat drop that I didn't erase fully. The pier poles are just a mistake, could be something to the right of the pole on the tilesheet that crept over into the wrong square.
            • oath2order

              oath2order Parsec Taste Tester

              Yes, that's what I thought about the white dot :D

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