RELEASED Anthro Characters Continued (Furry Overhaul Mod) + Genderswaps

Discussion in 'Characters' started by Blanchard, Apr 11, 2017.

  1. Feyster

    Feyster Void-Bound Voyager

    Will there be a seasonal outfit variant? or is that already included? It would be nice if there was a seasonal outfit version of this mod, along with the female to male mod that works with the seasonal outfits.
    • Sugar-Fable

      Sugar-Fable Phantasmal Quasar

      There is an abandoned WIP one but the creator couldn't finish~ So at the moment, no seasonal outfits!
      • Blanchard

        Blanchard Pangalactic Porcupine

        Small update today to the base file (both Replacer and CP versions), nothing major but worth a download if you want some small sprite fixes. I've also updated the to the F->M Genderswaps with a bunch of bugfixes, so if you're using that I'd recommend downloading the file again. A CP patch for the F->M Genderswaps likely isn't far off now~
        • Moonwolf666

          Moonwolf666 Big Damn Hero

          Hi, could you adjust the content patcher version a bit?

          In the content.json add a condition to not overwrite Marlon when SVE is installed:
                      "Action": "Load",
                      "Target": "Portraits/Marlon",
                      "FromFile": "assets/Portraits/Marlon.png"
                      "Action": "Load",
                      "Target": "Portraits/Marlon",
                      "FromFile": "assets/Portraits/Marlon.png",
                      "When": {
                          "HasMod:FlashShifter.MarlonSVE" : "false"
                      "Action": "EditImage",
                      "Target": "Portraits/Marlon",
                      "FromFile": "assets/Portraits/Marlon.png",
                      "FromArea": { "X": 0, "Y": 0, "Width": 64, "Height": 64 },
                      "ToArea": { "X": 0, "Y": 0, "Width": 64, "Height": 64 },
                      "When": {
                          "HasMod:FlashShifter.MarlonSVE" : "true"
          Short explanation of what this does:

          "when": checks if MarlonSVE mod is currently loaded
          So if not just replace the file, if it is loaded edit the file instead.
          (Actually I'm 99% sure it would work without the when and just the Action:EditImage case but I'm not feeling well enough to read up on and test stuff)

          "Action": "EditImage": Replaces part of the texture file and doesn't overload the file as a whole.
          In generall this should be the action used because it helps keep compatible with mods and doesn't require to copy all parts of the file if you don't change them:
          "FromArea" & "ToArea": The area from the source file that should be replaced to the area of the destination file.


          Also in the future it might be nice to colaborate with the creator of the SVE addition and assimilate it into this content patcher mod. With the "when" conditions it would be easy to check when it would have to be loaded and when not.

          If / when it comes to that I would also suggest adding a optional dependencie to SVE in the manifest. Those will assure that the load order is done correctly if SVE is present and if not they will just be ignored.

          Also about the gender swap: For ContentPatcher version I would suggest directly integrating the files and using Player Config + when conditions to turn it on / off.

          "ConfigSchema": {
                "GenderSwap": {
                   "AllowValues": "true, false",
                   "Default": "false"
          Would generate a config.json in which the player simply would have to set "GenerSwap" to "true" for it to apply the gender swap changes.
            Last edited by a moderator: Mar 2, 2020
          • sxore

            sxore Void-Bound Voyager

            I'm pretty confused, will this fix Marlon from showing as human? Is there something that can also be done about morris? I looked in the content.json file in [CP] Stardew Valley Expanded but couldn't find the string you're referencing.
            • Moonwolf666

              Moonwolf666 Big Damn Hero

              The file you have to modify is part of "Anthro Characters Contiued 1.4 - Content Patcher".
              - Go into the "Anthro Characters Contiued 1.4 - Content Patcher" folder
              - Open the file "content.json"
              - Go to approx Line 198
              Here you will find the following block of code:
                          "Action": "Load",
                          "Target": "Portraits/Marlon",
                          "FromFile": "assets/Portraits/Marlon.png",
              Replace it with this:
                          "Action": "EditImage",
                          "Target": "Portraits/Marlon",
                          "FromFile": "assets/Portraits/Marlon.png",
                          "FromArea": { "X": 0, "Y": 0, "Width": 64, "Height": 64 },
                          "ToArea": { "X": 0, "Y": 0, "Width": 64, "Height": 64 }
              This way Marlon will look anthro most of the time. There are some new images added in SVE which there is no corresponding anthro image to. In those cases he will appear human again. (I think it's like 3 dialog cutscenes or so).

              I did not look into Morris yet and why he is not turned anthro in SVE it's not something obvious like with Marlons conflict.

              @Blanchard I would like to help out a bit with the content patcher mod since I read up on it.
              Is there a version control being used like github? If there is I can't find it, so could you please give me a link; and if there isn't maybe it would be a good idea to get one started.

              Okay so it only fixes Marlon Partially The only thing that will be anthro is the Icon in his shop window. I will look into finding fixes for the rest of the images too, but some I won't be able to replace since I'm crap at pixel art and such.
                Last edited by a moderator: Mar 2, 2020
              • Feyster

                Feyster Void-Bound Voyager

                I really hope people are able to completely fix this mod and such. I wanna continue using it and the genderswaps mod. Hell, I would personally love it if the mod progressed enough that we got different outfits for different seasons and weathers with the furry mod, though I know that's a lot of sprite work and such.
                  Bonabopn likes this.
                • Moonwolf666

                  Moonwolf666 Big Damn Hero

                  @Gaveliere @Blanchard @Krystedez I would like to help working on the Content Patcher version.
                  Is there something where we can work together on it and keep track of the changes, like a github repository or something?

                  Edit: well I just saw that I already added that to my last post. sorry for pinging you again
                  • Sabs like "labs"

                    Sabs like "labs" Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                    Hi, I examined doing this a while back and found that it's nearly impossible. You would need to eat into each individual other character's dialogue that refers to that character and change all the associated pronouns and references. For example, Maru refers to her brother, Sebastian, as "he", "his", "brother", and "Sebastian". The normal content pack swaps these dialog entries... but what happens when you only selectively choose to replaced characters? You'd have to change some lines in the middle of those lines, but not other parts of the same lines, in some situations.

                    Until there's a way to create a small database file like the crops table, it's a pain in the neck. I asked Pathoschild if there would be a way to do it, and they said that with the current method, there is... but when I looked at what they told me, it's extremely labor-intensive. There's a lot of work and time and energy involved in incorporation, because you have to make a hundred or so individual variables and attach them all to the various lines of text in all the right places.
                    • toxicToxophilite

                      toxicToxophilite Void-Bound Voyager

                      Hello! I am actually intending to make a complete furry overhaul mod, which will include a matching farmer and children, and I'm intending to make it seasonal. I wanted to ask permission to use some assets of this mod (With credit, of course) to create it. I have a discord server dedicated to my mod stuff, too! I've only just barely started on it though, i'm still in the stage of asking permission to use assets and editing a single character as an example for the DSVO artsits.
                      • Swiftpaw22

                        Swiftpaw22 Phantasmal Quasar

                        A new character mod would be awesome right now because the two mods that we do have still haven't been upgraded yet to work with the new versions of Stardew Valley.
                        • s1041044

                          s1041044 Big Damn Hero

                          Would you mind making a furry overhaul patch for the SVE mod as well? A lot of new things has been added and we could really use an update since the author has gone MIA, thanks!
                          • Colonel O'Neill

                            Colonel O'Neill Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                            Could we hope for the 1.5 update in the foreseeable future?
                              Bonabopn and Swiftpaw22 like this.
                            • Swiftpaw22

                              Swiftpaw22 Phantasmal Quasar

                              That would be great! I wonder how many changes need to be made before we have working player and NPC furry mods again?

                              DON'T LET STARDEW VALLEY SUCCUMB TO THE HUMANS!!!!!!!!! X3
                              • Kyora473

                                Kyora473 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                              • Swiftpaw22

                                Swiftpaw22 Phantasmal Quasar

                              • Kyora473

                                Kyora473 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                UPDATE 2: He/she back

                                UPDATE: Someone on the nexus made a temporary patch. It doesn't add the new sprites, but it makes the existing mod work on 1.5

                                Quick link:

                                I haven't made it in-game but so far no errors when I boot to check which mods I need to get updates for. Also...

                                From the person last working on this mod:
                                  Last edited: Dec 29, 2020
                                  Swiftpaw22 likes this.
                                • Swiftpaw22

                                  Swiftpaw22 Phantasmal Quasar

                                  Thanks for the updates! Glad someone is working on it! Then we just need the player mod to be ready for 1.5 as well!
                                    Kyora473 likes this.
                                  • Kyora473

                                    Kyora473 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                  • Blanchard

                                    Blanchard Pangalactic Porcupine

                                    Hell everyone, long time no see! Sorry we have been gone so long; 2020 was the hardest year of many of our lives. The good news is that the mod has indeed now been updated for patch 1.5 and the main post has been updated to reflect this. Anyone who wants to give it a shot and let me know if their respective versions are working would be providing valuable feedback and as always bug reports are welcome.

                                    Thank you and stay safe!

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