REQUEST Antlers as a hat??

Discussion in 'Mods' started by argbetz, Jun 7, 2018.

  1. argbetz

    argbetz Seal Broken

    This is a weirdly specific question, and I have literally 0 modding experience but the only thing I really want in a mod that hasn't been made yet is having antlers as an option for players to have/wear. Am I the only person who thinks that'd be rad as hell? I don't even know how difficult it would be to make something like that..
      fadedwaif and HopeWasHere like this.
    • keodau27

      keodau27 Subatomic Cosmonaut

      Do you have any style/idea for it? I may give it a try later
      • argbetz

        argbetz Seal Broken

        basically just deer antlers.. If I had the time/experience to make them myself I would do it in a heartbeat, but jumping straight into modding is incredibly intimidating for someone who doesn't even know the language of the codes/game... thank you for the respond, i wasn't sure if anyone would even be interesting ;-;
        • HopeWasHere

          HopeWasHere Existential Complex

          You don't need really any coding knowledge to make hats for the game. Just have to edit the hats files, one for the sprites, and one for the data, which I or anyone who wants to can help you with either. Here is a template for hats if you want to give it a try. I might give it a try too, this is a really neat idea :)

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          • argbetz

            argbetz Seal Broken

            That was the basic idea i had in mind, not try and make a whole new hat but instead just edit the appearance of an existing one. I have the artistic talent (maybe not pixel art experience in particular) to make the images needed, it's just learning how to implement it in the game files that scary.
            • keodau27

              keodau27 Subatomic Cosmonaut

              You can try drawing your idea out and then ask someone to do the content pack or xnb for you, i never do pixel art before i did modding either but it's not really hard when you already know how to draw
              • argbetz

                argbetz Seal Broken

                I could make the art itself, but I'm not sure what the dimensions would need to be. Are there templates that I can use to start off of? Or maybe a guild to demonstrate how to size and fit the modded "hat" onto the player model?
                • staarfruit

                  staarfruit Pangalactic Porcupine

                  That template @HopeWasHere posted, the hat has to be within the space those black and white squares and it also has the side and back views of the head of the farmer as well, and of course the little head would be where the farmer's head would be while wearing the hat. I would love to see what you come up with though, little antlers would be so cute!
                  • argbetz

                    argbetz Seal Broken

                    do i need to have it placed over every head in that template?? cause ngl that's a lot of heads :V
                    • staarfruit

                      staarfruit Pangalactic Porcupine

                      Nope! Just one of them! That template is for if you're making an entire set or something, so for the finished product it'll have to be added in with the original game hats is all, but that's not too hard to do, and I'd be willing to help with that. Of course it seems that you have a couple people willing to help you out with that here. :3

                      Edit: One set of front, side and back view that is. So like this, just make sure you do the pixel art on a separate layer so you can delete the template after you're done. If you leave the template it'll look really odd in game lol.

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                      • argbetz

                        argbetz Seal Broken

                        lol Thanks for the help, i might work on this some tomorrow. It will take some getting used to working with something so much smaller, but I'm sure I can figure it out. It's mostly the coding that's gonna be a hassle....
                        • argbetz

                          argbetz Seal Broken

                          OKAY I LIED I ALREADY MADE THEM

                          Is the model supposed to be that small?

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                          • staarfruit

                            staarfruit Pangalactic Porcupine

                            Yeah the model is small like that because in the game it gets zoomed in, all of the game sprites are actually very small when you look at them outside of the game lol. For it to be usable you need to delete the template in the background though, the template is just a guide for when you're creating.
                            • argbetz

                              argbetz Seal Broken

                              So, basically like this:

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                              • staarfruit

                                staarfruit Pangalactic Porcupine

                                That works! Okay, so I've made a content patcher version, if you'd prefer an xnb replacement version I can do that too. I've made it replace the watermelon headband currently, but if you'd like me to make it replace another hat that can also be arranged, it's really not that hard to do, it works in my game, but if you run into any issues let me know please.

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                                • argbetz

                                  argbetz Seal Broken

                                  :O !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH my gOD wow okay thank you like A LOT!! that was so fast oh my god ;-;
                                  • staarfruit

                                    staarfruit Pangalactic Porcupine

                                    No problem. :3 I am currently up at 1am and I seem to work faster late at night, also I'm horrible at pixel art or any type of art at all but I like to help out when I can with the small amount of modding knowledge that I do have lol.

                                    Edit: @argbetz I hope you don't mind, but I also made a version with the antlers two more pixels apart. >>

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                                      Last edited: Jun 8, 2018
                                      GBDetective and argbetz like this.
                                    • argbetz

                                      argbetz Seal Broken

                                      i don't mind at all! the first set was mostly just to see if it could work, perfecting it can come later :p
                                        staarfruit likes this.
                                      • keodau27

                                        keodau27 Subatomic Cosmonaut

                                        Just want to drop by to tell you that i made a mod based on this topic !
                                          blouwho? and HopeWasHere like this.

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