"Art Collector" Quests

Discussion in 'Side Quests' started by Mighty Archemedes, Jun 27, 2015.


Should art connoisseurs risk your life for their hobby?

  1. I can take it.

  2. All I see is scribbles!

    0 vote(s)
  1. Mighty Archemedes

    Mighty Archemedes Phantasmal Quasar

    I noticed that paintings are no longer 3D printable. That makes sense, and it gave me a great idea.

    Suppose we met X NPC in a town. That NPC's family heirloom/connoisseur interest/stolen property includes a specific and irreplaceable painting, located at location Y. The NPC offers to hire the Starbounder to acquire the stolen property and bring it back to him.

    On reaching the painting, it will have a quest marker over it, triggering the end of the quest but triggering a second quest. The second quest is to bring the painting back to the NPC who lost it, after which the Starbounder receives his reward.

    The only catch is, the sprite for the painting must be tagged, and must not be stackable with other paintings, even seemingly identical ones. That shouldn't be _too_ hard to accomplish, though.

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