I was thinking, there could be a slot when crafting that lets you add an attribute crystal. The attribute crystal would then give the crafted weapon/armor an effect. Attribute crystals could be found underground at different levels (1 being the least powerful and rare up to 10 or so being the most powerful and extremely rare) and then combined with something, such as a bucket of lava, to give the crystal an effect. The lava crystal, (attribute crystal after being combined with a bucket of lava,) would then give the crafted weapon/armor an effect, such as if it were a level one crystal to start out with, 5% lava resistance when added to armor or an additional 10% lava/fire damage when added to a weapon. (the 10% lava/fire damage would be multiplied by the base damage of the weapon, so if the base damage was 20 points of damage it would add an additional 2 points of lava/fire damage.) A level 10 attribute crystal would do the same thing when combined with lava, except that instead it would have 50% lava resistance when added to armor and an additional 100% lava/fire damage (base damage of 20 would have an additional 20 points of lava/fire damage, creating a weapon with 40 points of damage) Crystals also would maybe be able to be combined at a crafting station, adding different effects to armor/weapons. For example, combining a level 5 lava crystal with a level 5 water crystal would create a level 5 obsidian crystal, which, when combined with armor, would give 25% damage to enemies, (25% multiplied by the base defense of the armor,) while protecting yourself from the 25% damage (this attribute deriving from the water crystal, acting as a coolant for yourself.) It would also protect yourself from 25% of any lava damage. Sorry for throwing all of these ideas out at once and not having any pictures, but I hope you like my idea and I also hope it gets implemented into the game. I'm not expecting all the details to be added to the game if the original idea is, that is completely up to the developers if they see it fit to add it to the game. Thank you for your time reading this! Don't forget to thumbs-up the post
So basically blank crystal that could be enchanted with effects AND then socket them on items? I'm not sure. In my opinion, I wouldn't care much if this idea in special was added or not. I'm pretty sure they'll add an Item Enhancement feature but not the way you pointed out.
This is a great idea, but Jesus. SPACE OUT THE POST!!! I can barely read it because of all the close letters. But this would be awesome to add, but maybe you shoudl find fire crystals under volcanoes and deserts, and say, electrical ones underneath industrial zones.