Auto-build blueprints

Discussion in 'Blocks and Crafting' started by seelcudooom, May 26, 2012.

  1. seelcudooom

    seelcudooom Subatomic Cosmonaut

    the basic idea is you build a devise that when used would let you select part of the land and save it as a blueprint
    you would then be able to use it again and place down the blueprints
    robots/crew-mates would then come out and whatever you had saved on the blueprints (assuming you have the required materials stored and none of the blueprinted blocks overlap with existing ones)
    this could be a way to say move your base without haveing to manually reconstruct it
    or say you like how an npc village looks, just save the blueprint and build one on your own planet
  2. Herbert Obo

    Herbert Obo Void-Bound Voyager

    This could be incredibly useful, and it doesn't even seem too difficult to do. It seems to me that making the blueprints themselves would be easy enough, as it could just be paper, but getting your lazy crew to build it requires a little extra... tutoring. I would suggest robots, as they can work much faster than most crews, unless your crew contains carpenters, masons, and engineers.
  3. Jayne Cobb

    Jayne Cobb Big Damn Hero

    Yes yes yes. For minecraft you have to use a third party app which is stupid.

    Btw they have already announced something similar for when you build a weather station but haven't said how it works (as far as I know)
  4. TehEpikMonk

    TehEpikMonk Spaceman Spiff

    I suggested something kinda similar, but you still had to actually make the structure on your own.

    I think that robots building it for you might take away from the game - part of the fun is building it for yourself. Oh, and one quick question - Would you have to give the builders the materials, or do they not need them?
  5. seelcudooom

    seelcudooom Subatomic Cosmonaut

    of course they do it rather slowly, though i guess your right, should probly be nerfed alot if it was to be put in the game
    and the materials would need to be stored near by, or else people would just use this to copy rare minerals from thin air
  6. Herbert Obo

    Herbert Obo Void-Bound Voyager

    There should be a couple things that limit this, only being able to activate one at a time and them building rather slow are the main two. The main reason you would do this is moving/duplicating a large project so I don't think it would take too much away from the game, as everything you can build you have built/seen before.
  7. Jayne Cobb

    Jayne Cobb Big Damn Hero

    This could be used to make a new planet if that is integrated. Would take a very very very long time though.
  8. TehEpikMonk

    TehEpikMonk Spaceman Spiff

    But you'd have to build it on a planet, so you'd end up having a planet on top of another planet.

    If that happened, I would build a giant cone underneath the first one and pretend it was ice cream.
  9. Herbert Obo

    Herbert Obo Void-Bound Voyager

    I don't think you would be able to build something on a planetary scale, megaprojects have nothing on the intricacies of actual planets (from pure size to ore deposits, to water pools), not to mention planets loop around to themselves and there would be no way to (easily) implement recreating that. I'm sure you will be able to select a large area for this, but not large enough to copy a planet.
  10. Jayne Cobb

    Jayne Cobb Big Damn Hero

    Yeah I forgot you would have to loop them

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