REQUEST Automation/Conveyors

Discussion in 'Mods' started by TheLolingPain, Mar 26, 2016.

  1. TheLolingPain

    TheLolingPain Aquatic Astronaut

    First time making a thread on this game... Go easy on me ;)

    I find that just putting items on furnaces and on pretty much everything is a repetive task, and you can have your own basement... If an underground industrial complex is possible, I'd love to see this

    Conveyors, Sensors, Monitored Storage (Has anybody played Minecraft with Applied Energestics? Thats what im kinda looking for), Or something Factorio style with your whole farm...

    Automatic Harvesters (placeable and mobile), water pumps, hydroponics, Milkers (with different quality for your cow "Lowest making her angry"), and many weird gadgets :p

    This equipment should be expensive, to avoid easy access...

    Better said than done I know...

    I only have 12 hours of gameplay, so I don't know if THERE is automation already
    • Pingulrik

      Pingulrik Scruffy Nerf-Herder

      if you don't know if it's in the game then why don't you just google it?
      • TheLolingPain

        TheLolingPain Aquatic Astronaut

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