Mob Basic enemies and especially bosses need to be more capable

Discussion in 'NPCs and Creatures' started by WorldWideGlide, Dec 16, 2013.

  1. WorldWideGlide

    WorldWideGlide 2.7182818284590...

    As it stands every enemy can be simply walled in and bypassed or walled in and shot with a ranged weapon with little threat to the player. It makes sense that many enemies should be like this, but when they are ALL like this it really hurts the combat. So far enemies are just scaled with high amounts of damage to create threat since these enemies can be rendered useless with the click of your mouse. One thing mentioned by the devs is to make mobs harder as you dig deeper underground, which IMO is a really good idea. But the underground enemies are not much of a threat as they are generally even easier to wall in due to the underground tunnels.

    What I propose:

    Certain enemies, which will always be mixed in with the standard mobs in a biome/dungeon, should be able to shoot projectiles through walls, or teleport (like a blink ability). Others will be able to break or dig/move through blocks. And the overall damage of mobs should be toned down to compensate. This way the player cant just wall everything in and cheese his way through the game, and will have to actually think about how to enter a fight.

    With this system the player will have to choose which mob to focus based on threat level/proximity while also considering how to navigate the terrain. This adds a fundamental layer of strategy and would really help the combat!
    Oatness, TheApothecanary and Plystire like this.
  2. Plystire

    Plystire Star Wrangler

    1000x agreed. I hope they eventually take suggestions such as this to heart. I've said it before that you can't just increase dmg/health and expect the difficulty to escalate with it. As it stands, every sector's difficulty is the same. I thought alpha would be easy to introduce the player to the game and it would become more difficult as they progressed, but as things are now, it just stays easy. You just start from the bottom when you reach a new sector, except that downtime between being squishy and being God in a sector is drastically cut down as you go along. Goes from taking an hour in Alpha to 15 minutes in Sector X.
    WorldWideGlide likes this.
  3. Oatness

    Oatness Space Hobo

    I will agree with you, as it stands now I personally find the combat to be rather stale (especially when playing with friends). Even without walling in tactics or building an arena to fight a boss, it is rather easy when properly equipped with the right Tier of armor/weapons to dispatch foes. The Tier progression boss fights I find to be the most disappointing. I am not asking for an insane challenge, but certain bosses can simply kited with a Iron Hunting Bow and they will never scratch you once. Maybe it is an AI issue? If you play with friends the bosses and enemies are so far beyond easy, as you can play aggro swapping games. Your friend shoots him and the boss runs towards him, then you shoot the boss and he changes direction to run towards you. He never even gets close to you nor does he ever attempt to attack.

    It would be really interesting to see some abilities added to monsters that allow them to at least get a few hits in. I would be all for some monsters being able to blow up blocks or doors, since there is Tier progression, add durability to each Tier. A Wooden door can't withstand an Avian's ill gestured taunts, a Durasteel Door withstands all but the strongest of foes. I think the Threat levels should be more randomized even as you get to the higher Tiers. If you're in the Gamma sector why must it be a Threat Level X? It would be interesting to see a threat level 1 or 2. If you are a more passive player pick threat level 1, fewer monsters and they're easier to kill. They won't have the abilities that higher Tiered do. If you are an adventuring type pick the higher threat levels, with higher threat levels award better armor/weapons than you would ever find in lower threat areas. That would easily give an incentive for adventuring in a higher threat vs. lower threat. It really does need something though to spice it up, as of now I find it very lacking and boring.
  4. WorldWideGlide

    WorldWideGlide 2.7182818284590...

    I think the bosses are just tacked on at this point, as they are just laughable. I don't know if you've played Terraria but the bosses are done right in that game because they do not clip on the blocks so you have no option of cheesing them. Yea having a durability system on blocks for player/mob interaction would be really cool that's def something I would like to see. As for the tier system and progression I would definitely like to see more diverse challenges like you mention. I think the devs are already working on that!
  5. TheApothecanary

    TheApothecanary Starship Captain

  6. Oatness

    Oatness Space Hobo

    I have played Terraria and Minecraft both, the bosses in Terraria were definitely a lot more interesting but I felt even those in Hardmode were cheesable with the right equipment or combinations of things. I am hoping that they go above and beyond, boss fights can easily be more about techniques and intelligence rather than throwing 3X more health on a regular monster. I think back to the old Arcade style games and jumping over barrels and timing things right to save the princess. Clearly not as difficult as that and costing a quarter each time. Rather have puzzle like bosses, dodging attacks, pushing buttons in a dungeon at X time to pour acid over the boss that you've weakened down. Anything is better than the current state and difficulty is rated in all sorts of ideas other than face tanking and gear checking.

    I sure do hope they are working on something to spice up the combat. I think there is plenty of potential to add some really interesting challenges especially if they take advantage of the blocks and building. I would nerdgasm if they added some sort of system for monster attacks vs blocks. Could add a whole new realm for building bases and having guard towers and walls on the outer layers to protect the inner village! On a planet with acid spewing monsters? Build with a certain type of material that is resistant to acid attacks, explosion, guns, etc. Since the blocks already regenerate after not being touched for awhile seems fairly plausible.
  7. Karrakazul

    Karrakazul Orbital Explorer

    Terraria bosses aren't the best thing to compare to, the only real difference is they don't hit like trucks, but they can hit you thanks to being able to clip through blocks. You ended up cheesing them through your choice in armor (spectral set health regen = near immortality), with a friend or two you could chain summon them for farming with no change in tactics required.

    Some more interesting mechanics besides "floating towards the player and touching them" regardless of whether or not they end up being able to make their way through blocks would be appreciated.
  8. SlayerDorian

    SlayerDorian Seal Broken

    Melding the building aspect of the game with the combat would really take the game to a new level. You could do this a little in Terraria when building a good fighting area vs. certain bosses. I'd like to see more to do with traps, material types, and other strategic advantages, though.

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