Hi everyone! Could someone recommend a good fishing mod? I know of two so far, the easier fishing and the instant fishing. I'm hesitant on the instant fishing because it doesn't seem to allow you to get the treasure chests when they come up. Does the easier fishing mod allow for that and does it make fishing alot easier. I also got my copy of Stardew Valley through steam, so would I be able to apply the mods to the steam copy? And are any of the mods able to work with the most updated version of the game?
Yes, you can apply mods to the steam copy. Also, I believe most mods that have received recent updates are compatible with the most recent game update. I do believe SMAPI mods are more resilient to breaking due to game updates but I could be wrong. On the fishing mods, sorry, I can't help with that but hopefully someone else will be able to answer it.
Yes, you can still get chests with easier fishing. The easier fishing mod makes the fish move slower/less eratically, so they are easier to catch. Everything else remains unchanged