Is there any easy way to remove the small pond near the main farm entrance?I have the WonderfulFarmLife Mod installed and I don't want to override it?
Perfect! You just need a new farm.xnb with the small pond removed then ^_^ I've attached a file that is just the normal farm but without the little pond. You'll want to take the farm.xnb that is inside the zip folder and put it in your \Stardew Valley\Content\Maps folder to replace the Farm.xnb that is there by default.
Thank you so much! I want to extend my honey farm onto that spot so I can have both flavored honey and wild honey.
Would it be alright if the Large pond be removed as well in the modified farm.xnb file? I've been looking for a way to remove both ponds actually. I've tried to modfy it myself but I still can't get to work for some reason. I'd really appreciate it if you can remove the large Pond too. Thank you.
Thank you Jinxiewinxie, this is exactly what I needed. I have a lovely walled garden and couldn't walk around the right side, do to that blasted pond. Now I can! You've made me one very please farmer. Thanks again , Jessie
I wound up giving in and adding a version of my Greener Pastures mod that doesn't have the small pond. After looking around the forums a good bit, I determined that it was a fairly common desire. so, yeah...
@TheOrangeSiwon As long as your save file is in tact you do not have to relocate anything (assuming the modded xnb file maintains it's original coordinates) as whatever you have placed on the ground will simply remain in the same position (coordinates) as it was before you installed the xnb mod.
To install xnb mods, you mus first locate the original file to replace it. These files are found in your steamapps\common\Stardew Valley\Content folder. Generally speaking map mods will change the files found within the maps subfolder. For example farm.xnb can be found in the maps folder along with greenhouse.xnb and a host of other map files. Simply make a backup of the map you want to change, then replace the map file with the one from the zip you downloaded. Once this is done, you can then simply load the game and the map should be changed.