Between Blood, The Stars, and The Heart - An Avali/Starbound Fanfiction

Discussion in 'Writing' started by Gilligan Lanley, Mar 14, 2016.


What will the name of the Story be?

Poll closed Mar 17, 2016.
  1. Current Place Holder Title

    0 vote(s)
  2. Adventures of the Lone Avali

  3. DoaLA: Retold

  4. Between Blood, The Stars, and The Heart

  5. The Skyfire Chronicles

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Pacman6511

    Pacman6511 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    what is it? o_O
    themushroomlord and Lodish like this.
  2. Lodish

    Lodish Black Hole Surfer

    *ghostly voice* This is a seeeecreeeeet...
    Pacman6511 and Gilligan Lanley like this.
  3. Pacman6511

    Pacman6511 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    oh.... alright can't wait for it xD
    Lodish and themushroomlord like this.
  4. Gilligan Lanley

    Gilligan Lanley Space Kumquat

    Pacman6511 and Lodish like this.
  5. Pacman6511

    Pacman6511 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    so... hows life?
  6. Gilligan Lanley

    Gilligan Lanley Space Kumquat

    Been kinda bumpy around the edges. Haven't had much free time with work and dealing with life stuffs in between playing vidya games.
    Been meaning to work on the draft since it's been ages, but I can't seem to motivate myself as of late. Safe to say I'm on a haitus for the time being, however, with work ending soon (I work a seasonal job) I should be able to find more free time to do stuff, and maybe pick up writing again.

    tl;dr All work and no play makes me not write till holidays.
  7. Pacman6511

    Pacman6511 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    ah, take your time if you have too, less pressure means less stress, right?
    Gilligan Lanley likes this.
  8. Master Automan IV

    Master Automan IV Phantasmal Quasar

    Wow, I actually forgot this existed.
    The Nostalgia is really kicking in.
    Gilligan Lanley likes this.
  9. Combozone

    Combozone Existential Complex

    I sort of did as well? I just remember me delaying the release of a story I promised @Gilligan Lanley like 2 years ago
    Gilligan Lanley likes this.
  10. Pacman6511

    Pacman6511 Subatomic Cosmonaut

  11. Pacman6511

    Pacman6511 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    *slowly grabs a stick and softly pokes Gilligan with it*
    Gilligan Lanley likes this.
  12. Gilligan Lanley

    Gilligan Lanley Space Kumquat

    *Flounders.* I'm not dead, I swear.
    Master Automan IV likes this.
  13. Pacman6511

    Pacman6511 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    J-Just making sure >;w;<
    Gilligan Lanley likes this.
  14. Pacman6511

    Pacman6511 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    err... i think i'm very late to this but...
    Life check!
    *sorry ;w;*
    Gilligan Lanley likes this.
  15. Gilligan Lanley

    Gilligan Lanley Space Kumquat

    Am alive, and am getting back into the swing of things. \o/
  16. Pacman6511

    Pacman6511 Subatomic Cosmonaut

  17. AvalonArrival

    AvalonArrival Void-Bound Voyager

    *In a singing voice* He's Aliiiiiiiiiiiiiive! He's Aliiiiiiiiiiiive!
    Ahem on another note I do have a question about the story that I've had since before the reboot, is Nezun ever going to find her pack? It's a pretty big galaxy and we have no clue who the people who attack her and her pack are... Although I do have a theory.
    Gilligan Lanley likes this.
  18. Gilligan Lanley

    Gilligan Lanley Space Kumquat

    That would be a spoiler if I said yes or no. ;p

    Also, theories are always fun to read~
  19. AvalonArrival

    AvalonArrival Void-Bound Voyager

    Alright, a little (very) late in writing this, but, my theory as crazy as it sounds is that the ones who attacked Nezun's pack are the same guys who attacked the Avali as fledgling species, as whoever that race was they would look similar to a human, and have the tech to take an Avali down because they've fought them before. Granted that was from before the reboot, so I don't know if this theory still holds water or not, and if you want a motive behind attacking Nezun's pack? I don't know, revenge, spite, because they felt like it, honestly I have no clue.
  20. Pacman6511

    Pacman6511 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Life check!
    (Late again by a long shot ;w;)

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