Aiden stares blankly at the deactivated screen, because that was the one requesting docking coordinates. Hoping that it was just the screen that went out, Aiden setups up the ship's distress beacon, as there was no way to know how long the ship would last now. Stepping away from the console, he enters the small sleeping quarters and begins gathering his things. Notes and documents, clothes, his personal computer and, what was he forgetting? A gun? He didn't own one, did he? There wasn't one present in the room, but Aiden felt as if he was forgetting something about it. He continues searching in hopes of finding whatever could be missing.
Having not noticed the picture, she decides to aimlessly wander about. "Ya reckon we near civilization or somethin'?" She asks Tahl. (Her nighthawk dlisq dæmon)
Maybe there wasn't, since it was never around him. Maybe his deamon... On a window, Sarrti's ship could be seen. Tahl looks over her then shrugs. ((Will it be alright if I took over on speech and basic actions of the dæmons, while the rest of you control the advanced ones?)) "Maybe we should check. This is just one ship of the others..."
Jayde looked at the man funny. He could see the man's lips moving, but couldn't hear him. He pointed at the places where the stumps of his ears were and then pointed towards the notebook.
Noticing Aidan's ship Sarrti begines trying to work the communication system and contact the nearby ship.
Apparently, Aiden didn't notice that the monitor's fuse also affected the communication system of his own ship, and Sarrti could only hear him... alongside video and minor audio static.
'Should we listen in on this guy?' 'Maybe that's not such a good idea... what if he gets angry?' 'I thought I told you to shut up, I say we spy on this freak or even better try and get on board his ship... the we demand he help us or we beat him to a pulp.' 'You know I rather like the angry one's idea were we breako and destroy stuff, I vote we do that.' 'Shut up, no one wants to hear what you have to say.' 'No one wants to here what you have to say.' 'How about you...' 'Both of you shut up... we'll listen in on him and then if it it suits our needs we can board his ship, maybe even kill him.' 'Hey if it isn't our reseed the edge lord finally speaking up.' 'Shut up, I agree that we should listen in and decide what to do from there... maybe without the killing part though.' Sarrti begins listening in on the nearby ship.
Jayde smiled and handed over the money. He took the bucket of paint and his notebook, and went back to his home. "Now where is... there" He thought. He picked up the bucket of green paint and put it on the table by the rifle, while simultaneously placing the bucket of purple paint on the other side of the gun. He took out a paintbrush and looked at the color scheme. Jayde followed the scheme until the gun was fully colored. He walked over to a bookshelf and picked out a book to read until the paint was dry.
Aiden exits the bedroom to check on the console when he notices the other ship. "Finally, maybe someone who can help." He attempts to connect to the other ship's communication system, glad to finally see some rescue. "Hey, this is Aiden Tsiruano, of the starcutter outside. Something's up with my FTL drive, and I'm not sure about how much longer this ship will last. If you can help fix it or help me escape, either would be appreciated."
Sarrti begins to hear Aiden. Most of them got trough clean, but a few areas were spotty. Tahl notices something on one of the monitors of the bridge. "Hey, something's here.["/i] He was nearly finished then he had checked that the gun paint was clean and ready.
The monitor was just a communication monitor, but according to how it currently is, it had been recently used. There were a few messages here and there, but one unread message seem to be floatinf out of nowhere within.
It's a distorted distress signal that scares off Tahl just a bit. "H-hello? Somthing's here... Someth— here... Don't go here when— ship coordinates 93394 1224— don't com— something... Why don't I remember... The Gateway is— the Gateway is Opening..." "Uh... maybe we shouldn't do that again?" he suggests.
'Ha, this plan worked after all.' 'Think that we should try and talk to him and then we could help each other and be friends!' 'I agree with that idea.' Sarrti begins trying to establish communication but eventually gives up and begines searching for some kind of spacesuit he can use to get across to the other ship.
Getting no reply from the ship, Aiden sends him message again. Were they not able to respond? It would be no good if neither ships were working and there was nothing Aiden could do to help whoever was trapped there as well. With a sigh of discontent, he fires up the manual controls, gently guiding the ship towards the nearest planet.
The screen that was off turned on again. His ship, however, pinpoints where they are and the coordinates were 93394 1224-02. Aiden could see that they were, in fact, close to the second planet. The first planet is an Ancient Gateway...