"If I didn't know better, I'd say that you're telling me the Gateway has some sort of mystical control over events." Aiden releases a breath he didn't realize he was holding as the new crystal slid into the engine. He was glad this conversation was ending so that he could get on his way. "Right then, how much do I need to pay you for the repairs?"
"Oh yeah, that thing. I wonder if that was actually the beacon..." Kevin goes over to investigate the Gateway.
"Oh, you don't have to pay me. Do bookmark this system and try to avoid it, if you can." He finishes and tests the drive by pointing a red laser on it. It just bounces off. "There." It does. In fact, apparently, the system they're in is fully informed. 93394 1224 "Eclipse System, home of mysterious Erchius Anomalies." It also has a Protectorate warning that makes ships travel here with caution. Someone was banging his head, and it looks like an Avali.
"Hey... you know what this place is? I just crashed here... and I have no clue what's going on. More or less."
Sarrti reads the warning message. 'What have you gotten us into now?' 'What have I gotten us into? How is this at all my fault!' 'You're the one who did all the smashing and button pressing.' 'Oh... I'd forgotten about that.' After that Sarrti checks the map for any place nearby that he could potentially land.
Go to the gate, avoid the gate: What does this man want? Aiden sets the thought aside and focuses on leaving. "Thank you Mr... sorry, but I never got your name."
It barely fit. The figure looks at him. "Well, you're in an Ancient Gateway, obviously, in the Eclipse System. A rather cautioned planet system." He can land on all seven planets the system had, but the Protectirate marked the fourth, second, and seventh the safest. "My... name?" he asked. "Names are powerful. He told me that. If I told you my name I would be in danger. I don't have a name. Or I think I do. But, everybody calls me the Gate Master."
Aiden makes a dismissive noise, chiding himself for expecting a straight answer from the man. He mentally adds several more puzzle pieces to the pile of unsolved puzzles he had lying around. "Alright, sure, thanks for the help."
She takes it off and continues searching for loot and supplies. "Try and find us some food. You get first dibs of course."
He smiled. "You are welcome. I'm sure my words made questions, but if you want to add it to your mystery of the Eclipse System, feel free to do so." He goes out of Aiden's ship and raises a hand. One of the four high-fives him with a... Avali claw? "Thanks, and I will!" He goes to jump to one of the storage compartments the ship has, after walking off, and lands straight into meat. "Oh."
"Great! Haul some back up! I'll see if I can find something to cook it in the meantime. Set half aside for yourself of course." She goes off to find a stove.
Jayde tried aiming the Manipulator in other directions, and began to get the hang of using it. A little while later, he had all of his stuff unpacked on the ship. He decided to see if he could find the ship's S.A.I.L, and set off exploring the ship for that.
"Alright... Is there any way to get out of here? I don't exactly want to spend the rest of my life here..."
No stoves, but one cooker. Her dæmon went to get some meat out, only to have slight difficulty getting out. The ship's SAIL booted up to life, and automatically did its check. Jayde came just in time to see what it had checked. "Well..." the figure looks over the ship. "I can build something from your wreck we can use. I'm trapped here too."