Hey Everyone! My name is Cait and I'm a streamer at twitch.tv/bitwits . My buddy Louie and I have been playing and enjoying Stardew Valley since it came out and recently have gotten into creating mods. We are both also big fans of Monster Hunter and we wanted to share with you our Monster Hunter skins for the Stardew animals Download here: https://mega.nz/#!gg4k3TIT!HCFSyo15LQKRvXZLfYk3ei_ZV_NxAsAy2Qh9rs8nZ7U So far we have: Zinogre (dog) Nargacuga (cat) Yan Kut-Ku (white chickens) Blue Kut-Ku (brown chickens) Yian Garuga (void chickens) Gammoth (cow) Kelbi (goats) We also have modded in ourselves as Elliot and Leah and have re-written the dialogue, gift chart and altered the character models to closely resemble ourselves. Leo (Elliot) Cait (Leah) Let us know what you think, and if you have any ideas for more monsters to add let us know Further Farm animals will be modded in the future. A gift cheat sheet can be found down below. Leah - Loved Items : Fire Opal, Trilobite, Jade, Dinosaur Egg, Baked Fish, Pizza, Spaghetti, Maki Roll, Cranberry Sauce, Wine, Grape, Strawberry, Crab cakes, Lobster Bisque, Ocean Stone, Hazelnut. Liked Items : Octopus, Joja Cola, Drift Wood, Fried Egg, Sashimi, Void Egg, Jelly. Disliked Items : Stone, Potato, Pink Cake, Cookie, Tortilla, Rice Pudding, Pumpkin Soup, Carp Surprise, Commun Mushroom. Hated Items : Diamond, Catfish, Bean Hotpot, Pepper Poppers, Rabbit's Foot, Pale Broth. _________________ twitch.tv/bitwits edit: Forgot to credit Portrait mods. OG! Anime Portraits from http://community.playstarbound.com/threads/mod-portraits-like-anime-style.107707/