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RELEASED bk3k's blocks and objects - formerly lighted platforms 2.4.03

Stuff you didn't know you needed til now

  1. Mooncalf99

    Mooncalf99 Spaceman Spiff

    The new crafting table doesn't have most recipes unlocked. I can't craft liquid-blocking blocks, chameleon doors, etc. (They show up in admin mode.) Do I need to find something to unlock them, or will they be added properly later?
  2. bk3k

    bk3k Oxygen Tank

    Some recipes unlock from building other things.
  3. bk3k

    bk3k Oxygen Tank

    bk3k updated bk3k's blocks and objects - formerly lighted platforms with a new update entry:

    Pick up your crafting station

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  4. SkyeTheTerribleBeastie

    SkyeTheTerribleBeastie Pangalactic Porcupine

    As of the latest update (or the one before, I skipped one) causes the "Warehouse Storage Container" to be too big to view the top... I assume four rows (can't see, can't count. ;p ) Kinda hard to deal with, due to all my items being split up between four of these on my ship.
  5. bk3k

    bk3k Oxygen Tank

    Is it actually cut off? Can you drag it down so it is all comfortably on screen?

    Now I did change the UI for this because I thought it was too wide (especially when used with my inventory mod). I thought even the widescreen people wouldn't find it too tall though. I initially (before publishing the update) had it even taller/thinner but decided that could be an issue for the 16:9 crowd so I settled on what we have now.

    Note for some people with certain resolutions - not just for the sake of using this mod - you might want the UI scale mod. It can also easily be adjusted as needed. In the past Starbound had things too large on my screen too (my hotbar even overlapped the quest buttons etc), but I think they made some adjustment that helped (in my case). Anyhow try that mod out and let me know if it helped.
  6. SkyeTheTerribleBeastie

    SkyeTheTerribleBeastie Pangalactic Porcupine

    Yeah, I don't even have the space to drag it down to see the top. After posting this, I'll look into the UI scale mod you mentioned.
    Since the parts of the window you can grab are only the top and bottom, you can only move it so much. If you were going for a small fix (I've not dabbled in creating mods, so I'm not sure how "easy" it is), I'd add a bar to the left that allows you to drag the whole window- like a handle. Same way you can with the tops and bottoms.
    Screencap attached, if I figured out how. :D
    (Yes, I cheated to get Pixels- this is my mod-checking character)

    Edit: A quick Google search says that the mod was discontinued, but I'll try setting my zoom to 1 manually.
    Edit 2: No change...
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2017
  7. bk3k

    bk3k Oxygen Tank

    Well yeah I can add some area on the size where the item grid isn't present if need be.

    Did you try it from the link I left? It doesn't seem to be discontinued or anything.

    The UI scaling mod affects something different than the zoom. Zoom has to do with how much of the world they show, but doesn't change the interface sizes.

    UI scaling is basically a multiplier to how large the interfaces are. So a 100x100 pixel interface at 3x now covers 300 x 300 pixels of screen space.
  8. SkyeTheTerribleBeastie

    SkyeTheTerribleBeastie Pangalactic Porcupine

    Oh, sorry, didn't see the link due to my poor choice of website color scheme. (Was using Platform because it was basically Dark Mode) -atomic facepalm for looking stupid on the internet-
    So, yes, this'll technically work, but 1x is too small, and 2x is perfect- except for the Warehouse Storage Containers. Tried doing 1.5, but apparently only whole integers are supported. :/
  9. SkyeTheTerribleBeastie

    SkyeTheTerribleBeastie Pangalactic Porcupine

    So, it's now turned into a non-issue, as I've hooked them up to a Startech transmatter storage setup, and this actually... idk. Feels right at home on a space station/ship.
  10. SkyeTheTerribleBeastie

    SkyeTheTerribleBeastie Pangalactic Porcupine

    The horizontal wired chameleon doors' wire nodes are a little borked up. Shown is a 8x2 on top of a same-size water-blocking airlock, same orientation, just on top of one another.
    I haven't touched the wire nodes yet to see what does what, but compared to vanilla doors, it's double, and looks a little worrisome.
    Making a secret underwater bunker with a secret entrance on the spawn island, was going to fill the tunnel with wired chameleon doors.
    Also, would it be possible to add railed wired chameleon doors? And for the ones that already exist, to have an alternate (for the vertical ones) with the rails on top for the rail hook?
    If you want/it's cool with you, I can constantly do bug-searching and such; I love this mod so far and I want it to be perfect!
  11. bk3k

    bk3k Oxygen Tank

    The double nodes are on all my doors.
    Input 1 - wired control node, door can't be opened/closed by player interaction and won't open automatically either.
    Input 2 - optional control node - door can be opened by a wire input but also operates normally so the player can open it and the non-chameleon doors still open automatically. Useful for making multiple doors open at once/respond to the same input.

    Output 1 - signal output for when door is open.
    Output 2 - signal output for when a player/vehicle (or whatever the door is set for) is detected - without considering if the door itself is open or not. This allows the door to be used as a sensor.

    But you're correct that the input node offset is wrong there. I'll have to address that.
  12. bk3k

    bk3k Oxygen Tank

    bk3k updated bk3k's blocks and objects - formerly lighted platforms with a new update entry:

    Delete old version and read update.

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  13. bk3k

    bk3k Oxygen Tank

  14. bk3k

    bk3k Oxygen Tank

  15. Alepod

    Alepod Void-Bound Voyager

    It spoils S.A.I.L interaction in the beginning so i can't get quest (explore the planet) or even use teleportation. Why so?
  16. bk3k

    bk3k Oxygen Tank

    I am not experiencing what you describe. Please use the "insert/code" button and paste your log as found in
    so that I may see what is happening to you.
  17. Alepod

    Alepod Void-Bound Voyager

    Ok then, wait
  18. Alepod

    Alepod Void-Bound Voyager


    Attached Files:

  19. Alepod

    Alepod Void-Bound Voyager

    I guess it is something wrong with this script:
  20. bk3k

    bk3k Oxygen Tank

    bk3k updated bk3k's blocks and objects - formerly lighted platforms with a new update entry:

    Fixed issue with FU update

    Read the rest of this update entry...

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