Blank screen, can't play.

Discussion in 'Support' started by JamesBE, Jan 17, 2019.

  1. JamesBE

    JamesBE Space Hobo

    Started up the game for the first time, played for about 10 minutes but noticed that the vertical tearing was quite bad.

    Went into my Nvidia settings and enabled Vertical Sync.

    Relaunched the game, no video.

    Since then I have disabled vertical sync, removed the game from Nvidia's program list, deleted the config file in the save game settings, restarted my PC and even uninstalled and reinstalled the game.

    Noting worked.

    I bought this on Gog. Look, I know you're a small studio but I see that this issue has come up with more than one person, both here and on Steam forums, so if you can't fix this, like, soon, I want a refund. Sorry.

    If it can't be fixed and I can provide POP I'd take a PS4 code too.
      Last edited: Jan 17, 2019
    • LunarRayGames

      LunarRayGames Developer

      Hey James,

      I'm sorry to hear that you're having trouble! I'm not sure how to fix your problem, as it appears to be based on your machine (as the game was working, as you said).

      Please feel free to refund the game!

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