Building Spacecraft you can use to explore deep space with, that you can actually walk around in, made by the player using the blocks provided by the game. An example of this would be the Zeppelin mod of minecraft. In this mod, you build an object out of blocks, then attach a control block onto it that when used connects them all into a single vehicle you can fly around in. now if a guy can mod that in Mincraft, a 3D game, i would think it would be somewhat easier to do this in a 2D game as you only have 2 directions to worry about. I for one would LOVE the ability to make my own custom starship to explore space with, that i can walk around on, fighting off hostile alien boarding parties and other nasties. Or fighting off space pirate ships who might want to steal my phat lootz. Then fly over to a set of coordinates of a planet and set down using an on board Dropship. what do you guys think of this idea?
This is actually a really fun idea. I'd love to do it. However, instead of starting completely from scratch like in the Zeppelin mod, I think there should be a premade cockpit that you build off of. Also, I think that for the most part, there would have to have a background wall, or else there wouldn't be oxygen in the area. Oh, and there should be a size limit. Other than that, this is a great idea! I hope to see it in game
I like this, however the problem is that so far it doesn't sound like there will be any space or even a star map (please please correct me if I'm wrong)
I heard that there won't be space at release, but they're going to implement it later. However, that wasn't directly from the Devs, someone told me that the Devs said that, so I don't know whether or not it's true.
Well yes, you can't all ways be 100% sure till facts are revealed, but we can have fun guessing :O And great ideas Monk Like having some pre-made parts with blocks for hull and such, and you don't have to worry about walls as its said that left clicking with blocks places them normally, while right clicking places them more in the background ala Terrarias walls.