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RELEASED Blue Beam 1.0

Change the Warp Beam Color!

  1. AliveDrive

    AliveDrive Void-Bound Voyager

  2. Ishrindor

    Ishrindor Cosmic Narwhal

    -=Reply to your reply to my review=-
    I would like to see Yellow, Green, Orange, Black, White, and I think that was
    all that was in the old beam color mod that I can remember.
    AliveDrive likes this.
  3. RainbowShy

    RainbowShy Pangalactic Porcupine

    there usta be a mod for a rainbow beam too.
  4. AliveDrive

    AliveDrive Void-Bound Voyager

    Yes, the link to the old mod can be found on the forums, but I can't post links yet.

    Here is the link to the old thread.

    Warp Beam Colors!

    I plan to update this mod with all of the original colors, as well as working on suggestions so feel free to recommend something! For instance, I am interested in seeing if I can make a candy cane one for Christmas. The hope being that Chucklefish implements some way to unlock new beam colors in game. Considering that these are nothing more than simple hue recolors on GIMP, it may be something we see added late on the list.
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2015
    NorthUniverse likes this.
  5. Dragon_Tom005

    Dragon_Tom005 Existential Complex

    *Cough* Purple *Cough* :badpokerface:
    AliveDrive likes this.
  6. NorthUniverse

    NorthUniverse Orbital Explorer

    :poke:can we get a rainbow one? <3
    AliveDrive likes this.
  7. AliveDrive

    AliveDrive Void-Bound Voyager

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