Blue Print Building

Discussion in 'Blocks and Crafting' started by Lord Kain, Apr 3, 2012.

  1. Lord Kain

    Lord Kain Ketchup Robot

    [not sure if this has been said and i think this is in the right place]

    Would be cool to save different buildings a blue print and as long as you have the right amount and types of blocks you can just paste the new copy anywhere. a lot easier to make semetracle towers or rooms
  2. Serp

    Serp Zeromus

    preeetty sure this is already in game
  3. Rhylok

    Rhylok Aquatic Astronaut

    Blueprints are a great idea, and it's kinda hard to know what is and isn't in the game already. I would hope that certain structures are preassembled (think modular construction), but that custom structures could be blueprinted for quick reproduction, as well as content sharing via multiplayer. This obviously doesn't deal with functionality, but simply with reproducability and speed. A crafting station/ room layout for functionality is about pattern reproduction mostly, but wall materials seem trivial enough, and it'd be nice to simply copy-pasta the basic room designs, possiby including background walls etc...
    Dead likes this.
  4. Lord Kain

    Lord Kain Ketchup Robot

    Would just save time. I spent more hours then needed using a ruler in Terraria when I could have copy and pasted
  5. Alpha_Squad

    Alpha_Squad Cosmic Narwhal

    Yea, this has been said before and I approve.
  6. Joxalot

    Joxalot Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Yeah , this has already been discussed, even I suggested something like this, but it's good to know we had the same idea here.

    To add more on this matter Id imagine this blueprinting mechanism to be unblockable via a NPC and can only be accessed in your space station.
    The blueprint window would have a maximum size (upgradable) and it would allow you to "plan" structures, giving you a list of all the block and decoration YOU DISCOVERE/OWN.
    Together with the Blueprint Screen, the NPC install a Mass Storage, that would work like a massive chest.

    When in a planet, you can access the blueprints via your inventory. If you have enough materials in your mass storage, and enough Pixels to pay for the teleport, your building will be beamed down/teleported at the location you choose.
    Dead likes this.
  7. Banthrau

    Banthrau Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I highly agree, my Mincraft OCD has made me need to have everything symmetrical, this could make it so much easier if I could make a main lobby, then make a room on one side, and than copy and paste it onto the other side. It would also be cool to be able to keep upgrading the same house when you go to a new planet, and just paste your world, and add onto it more.
  8. Blue Hair

    Blue Hair Phantasmal Quasar

    I second this idea. It'd make things like city building a lot easier if you could just duplicate buildings via blueprints. That and if some idiot comes charging into one of your buildings armed with dynamite and explosives galore, you won't grieve as much over the loss if you can just rebuild it all in a second with those blueprints. The war on griefing is serious business. :cool:
    SaneOsiris likes this.
  9. Dead

    Dead Star Wrangler

    I think that this is a very functional and practical idea, especially for the building-oriented players. A quick basic placement means you can dive right into customization after having the foundation and framework laid out.

    I think it would be swell if you and Joxabot collaborated and polished the idea up a bit for the devs to gander at. Having a more detailed plan for implemention takes some of the guesswork out of it for them, I assume. In any case... it's a wonderful idea!
  10. Bratmobile

    Bratmobile Phantasmal Quasar

    i think that u should have to have the resources to craft a blueprint and then make a specific blueprint for the desired structure you want to copy
  11. Banthrau

    Banthrau Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I don't really see the point, the main point of this is to stop greifers, and help you move your house around. I don't think someone should need to have the resources to make one, because that would be pretty much the only use for paper (it is like 2349), and Tiy already established that you will have a PDA for storing information on ores and resources, plants, and enemies, so why not your house. The developers already plan to add auto building for people that don't want to build a house. I don't see why they can't make it so you can save your own designs
  12. Chaosmancer

    Chaosmancer Big Damn Hero

    So playing Minecraft turned you into Death the Kid? Do you think you could fire twin pistols using only your little fingers?

    Either way, back on topic, I do think that this would be a good idea, it would be so much easier to get a base on a hostile planet if you could just beam it over yourself rather than having to fight off enemies as you attempt to put the last piece of backing wall in a place that is just out of reach...while your nurse tries to befriend that nice looking wraith over there... plus it would be a better way to use up any excess common blocks rather than being too apathetic to build something. It may be a good thing would be if you could also swap the material of the structure for something else (e.g. Blueprint A shows a house built out of stone, you would like this house built out of <enter other material here>, you are able to change the material used by dragging said material onto the screen).

    Although it also begs the question of if it is possible, would you prefer a box marquee select, or a line select (with one, it would be everything in the box is selected, with the other, you would have to draw the outline around the structure)... it could also be expanded to allow you to plan out buildings using the blueprint screen, and then just place them, although that may be taking it too far.
    Joxalot likes this.
  13. Banthrau

    Banthrau Subatomic Cosmonaut

    No one said anything about beaming a house over yourself, that would defeat a lot of the fun of the game. Your Death the Kid joke was... :/
  14. Chaosmancer

    Chaosmancer Big Damn Hero

    Oh really now? I beg to differ.

    ...Maybe I should wait until I wake up a bit more before I attempt to say something competent, if I remember to do so.
  15. Joxalot

    Joxalot Subatomic Cosmonaut


    It wouldn't, actually.
    The simple fact it's NOT required to be used. The idea I had in mind was just a feature to be acquired in an advanced stage.
    And it would never replace block-to-block building, since it would have a cost, a beaming down delay and perhaps even a cooldown, if you feel the currents limitations aren't enough.

    It would be just a bonus feature, you could use it not.

    Only problem I could see is grievers storming the servers spam-teleporting phalli made of the most varied materials.
    But the devs could easily add an "Allow players blueprints" option for server config.
  16. dmmoebius

    dmmoebius Master Chief

    Maybe make it so that your NPCs will create the structure for you? If I remember correctly you'll have a team of NPCs along for the ride so why waste precious time building when you can have your sla. . . I mean, special people build things for you. Making it not require anyone to actually build (beaming it down) would come later and would be for a cost.

    As well, maybe eliminate the need to do it 'block-by-block,' and 'draw' the structures instead. I think it would be awesome if, for the most part, structures were conceived of in advance and required little to no oversight on the player's part. Adding on stuff manually only if we feel like it.

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