Blue-Star Pirates

Discussion in 'Hangout Threads' started by Blue Hair, Jul 24, 2012.

  1. Blue Hair

    Blue Hair Phantasmal Quasar

    NOTE: Blue Hair is no longer the leader of this clan so forward all requests to join to Kilo. (Honestly, he should just make a new thread to avoid this confusion, but oh well.)

    The Blue-Star Pirates is a group of talented shipmates who share a common goal. We want to explore the universe of Starbound while striving to reach our individual dreams, working together towards them. Together we'll travel far, see new places, meet new people, discover new things, and more than likely have to defend our beliefs wherever they're threatened. To be a pirate is to strive for adventure and freedom. And our goal is to have more freedom than anyone else.​

    "Surrounded by darkness, stars shine brightest."

    To join our crew, form an alliance, or even declare war: either post on the thread requesting to do so or start a private conversation with me here on the forums.

    CREW: (17/20 Max.)

    Kilo (Captain)

    VanishingAct (Explosives Expert)

    Kaosvardenmaell (Arms Dealer/ Stealth Operative)

    Dexter (Mad Scientist)

    GreenBlapple (Astronomer Scientist Extraordinaire)

    Vladimira Ruzic (Tank Support)

    SoundlessSteelBlue (God of War)

    Black--snow (Shielding Expert)

    Ragna (Explorer/Archaeologist)

    NightStalker (Mechanic/Decorative Connoisseur)

    Monmon63 (Guns Expert & Support)

    Malus (Outpost Constructor)

    Dr. Fury (Brew Master)

    Bromine (Team Mascot)

    Invader (Melee Expert & Support)

    Fensi (Scouting & Reconnaissance)

    Chann ()

    VictorsMod ()

    1. Live free-er than anyone else.
    2. Respect our allies.
    3. Disrespect our enemies; unless they're being civil.


    Blue Wig Offensive
    Taunts & Gestures
    Elysian Worlds

    Clan Infinity "Sure, why not. The goal of creating clans are to organize friendly communities. I accept your alliance request :)" - Supertt007

    SCP Foundation "Under careful consideration, the O5 council ACCEPTS your alliance offer." - Asdrubael Vect

    The Lizard Clan "I accept, us lizards have your back!:up:" - Big Fishy

    K.D.H.T. " "Always and forever, We'll be your allies through and through." - Kilo

    Galactic Elves "Ok Happy To Be Allys" - aquaclaw

    The Demon Syndicate "How would you guys feel about having an alliance with a group of demons?" -Squidgi

    Space Pirates of Starbound
    The Shadows (Clan) ???
    Clan Genesis
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2014
    Exxil3d, Bromine, Dexter and 4 others like this.
  2. Kilo

    Kilo Pangalactic Porcupine

    AHAHAH! It's about time! Now I've got somewhere to actually let loose on the forums and open up some! *mock salute* Anyways, Good for us to finally have a place to open up with our own page. See you starside, cap!
  3. Blue Hair

    Blue Hair Phantasmal Quasar

    Mock salutes? Starside? Cap? Dear god, what have I unleashed!?
    Exxil3d and Kilo like this.
  4. VanishingAct

    VanishingAct Void-Bound Voyager

    .. I think my account needs actual care and upgrading. I look like a random kid that hopped on the ship at last minute.
  5. Blue Hair

    Blue Hair Phantasmal Quasar

    I suppose that's why you're labeled as a space hobo.
  6. Kilo

    Kilo Pangalactic Porcupine

    Not much. This is what you get for convincing me to read One Piece. NOW I'M HOOKED AND YOU'VE CREATED A DISASTER.
  7. GreenBlapple

    GreenBlapple Space Hobo

    Holla, cap'n.
  8. The Mute One

    The Mute One Phantasmal Quasar

    YARR. We'll be enemies for an eternity!
  9. Blue Hair

    Blue Hair Phantasmal Quasar

    Rival pirates? Outnumbered? Those are my kind of odds. Enemy found.
    onerb2 likes this.
  10. Kilo

    Kilo Pangalactic Porcupine

    See, I'm liking this already!
  11. Blue Hair

    Blue Hair Phantasmal Quasar

    Alright, we now have a jolly roger and working signatures up! (Some of us anyway.)
  12. Kilo

    Kilo Pangalactic Porcupine

    Amen to that. Now I just need to work on my Icon! Not that I don't like it right now, I just... Need something more Starbound-y from my art page.
  13. Dexter

    Dexter Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    This sounds like an interesting clan :D I'd love to join but i see you need to get invited o.o I dont even know how to speak pirate, but i'll stalk this clan even if i ever will get invited (If i keep posting like this, i never will :D)
    Im not trying to say that 'INVITE ME PLEASE!' , Im not saying that at all, but what i am saying is, that i wish you luck with this clan ;)
    Kilo likes this.
  14. Kilo

    Kilo Pangalactic Porcupine

    Speak Pirate? Nonono, you've got it all wrong! Wrong kind of pirates my friend! to heck mugging people and talking funny, our only goal is to find epic treasure and live more free than anyone and everyone else! Nobody can stop us in our goals!
  15. Dexter

    Dexter Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Ooooooooooo... Good luck anyways :DD
    And how come i am not a Space Hobo? This is my third post ever xD
  16. Kilo

    Kilo Pangalactic Porcupine

    ... No idea. I'm from around the era when there were only 5 possible things you could get called in the forums. *SHOT*
  17. Blue Hair

    Blue Hair Phantasmal Quasar

    Kilo likes this.
  18. Dexter

    Dexter Scruffy Nerf-Herder

  19. Steam Pirate

    Steam Pirate Space Kumquat

    I'm sorry, what? Are you kidding me? I am one of the smallest clans.
    My old clan in Terraria had 200+ members, this is barely 20.
    It's full of active members, which is good because if the clan had a lot of dead people, i would be left with a dead crew.
    So do not fear the large amount, fear what would happen if they were inactive.
  20. Steam Pirate

    Steam Pirate Space Kumquat

    Ye blasted blue haired punkies.
    Better watch yer rusty cogs you call cannons, fer the next thing ye know I'll be shooting them at yer own self. Walking ye plank would be better to do in your case, 'cause ye be as good as dead in my shadow. Thar be terminated like i conquer planets in my name, one after one, and so be yers.
    Raise your guns, build your defenses. Fer yer come the one-and only original Space Pirates of Starbound, and we ain't about to tolerate competition from a puny wink like ye.
    Tremble, blues.
    Twisted Slinky and Kilo like this.

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