Blue-Star Pirates

Discussion in 'Hangout Threads' started by Blue Hair, Jul 24, 2012.

  1. Kilo

    Kilo Pangalactic Porcupine

    Blue? Not sure. I asked him, to which he replied
    "I left you in charge! I know nothing!" or at least something very close to that. While I know that at least him, another of our friends, and myself are playing actively again, We just -can't- seem to get servers to hold up for anything. I can pay for a server and then some, but I'm so used to just setting up a Serverbox myself with a spare computer built for it, that I'm confounded because my router simply doesn't allow for even the slightest amount of port fowarding. I've been solidly working on that for a few days on and off, and I've found tutorials -for- this model of router. The only problem, is that the tutorials don't even -match- the layout. The ISP provided us with their own twist on it which takes out some of the key tabs I need to access to do it properly, preventing me from setting it up. If I could just get past that, We could have a server for quite some time; I have 2 spare computers sitting around that could handle at least 9 or 10 people at a time I'm sure.
    Myself? Always interested in keeping this place functional. I've even contemplated maybe seeing if we could, since we're serverless, Play on the same server as you guys, the Space Pirates. After all, We've pretty much all agreed the only enemies we have are the ones who try to tell everyone else how to do things/play. But then we drag into the problem that some of us run a fair handful of mods, and then we have to sync our builds to even be compatible without incessant crashing.
    It's a nightmare.
    BUT I THINK WE COULD PULL IT OFF. I just have to think of something.

    Blue and I have been playing on a hodge-podge barely functional server hosted straight from his laptop as he's the only one who can forward the ports, but his connection constantly lags and drags down with only 2 or 3 people tops. But then again he's also running a server AND the game as well as other tabs which drag down Memory and processing power. If I could just get my spare laptop to agree with the router IP, I could make some progress...
  2. Kilo

    Kilo Pangalactic Porcupine

    You know, Double posts aside, I should probably also update my signature at some point, seeing as I've pretty much become an avid player and supporter of the Avali. *shot*
  3. Torang12

    Torang12 Phantasmal Quasar

    If you want to play on our server we can talk about it and work something out for mods. o>
  4. Kilo

    Kilo Pangalactic Porcupine

    Hey, it's worth a shot. It's got to be better than letting this place crash into the ground. I'll definately keep in touch on this.
  5. Ragna

    Ragna Void-Bound Voyager

    whatever is decided, let me know! i would be most interested in playing if i get to play with others. :)
  6. Commander Benny

    Commander Benny Phantasmal Quasar

    when did we get into servers? I just wanted to know if the active members wanted to become on thread allies with my clan.
  7. Kilo

    Kilo Pangalactic Porcupine

    The Blue Star Pirates, as a clan, almost entirely died. We were unable to get a server going, and some of us were here during day 1. I was on the Starbound site following the game literally 3 days after the site went up. After the game delayed. Then delayed again, pushing it nearly 2 years beyond it's original promised release date. By then, many of us moved on, went to play other games, etc. Only a very small handful of the -original- Blue Star Pirates really stayed with it. While the page says we have 17 members. The only people I know for a fact are still active in Starbound are Myself, Blue, Ragna, and once in a while, I think Dexter still pops in here from time to time. But our clan always would start to crumble because of our total lack of a server, among other things. The reason we're on servers is because, While I am currently the leader of the Blue Stars from what I understand from Blue himself, We would be more than happy to be your allies. We would accept your request no problem. But what good is it if we become your allies, and then the entire thing falls apart? We need a solid home base to play in and maintain interest, otherwise we accept then suddenly everything crashes into the ground again. So while yes, We accept your request to be your ally, we also can't do too much in game play of starbound allies or not until we can snag a server. or even partner up with our former rivals, the Space Pirates.
  8. Kilo

    Kilo Pangalactic Porcupine

    And on that note, with this magical double post, I'm off to contact Torang to see if we can figure out a server solution via note.
  9. Ragna

    Ragna Void-Bound Voyager

    *whistles while walking by*

  10. Kilo

    Kilo Pangalactic Porcupine

    WELL. I BRING SOME REALLY GOOD AND INTERESTING NEWS. WHILE I'VE BEEN GONE, I'VE BEEN HACKING AWAY AT BUILDING MYSELF A FINE BEHEMOTH OF A GAMING COMPUTER. 1500 DOLLARS LATER, AND SHE IS FINISHED. Even if it's too large to sit in the computer desk and has to sit on the floor. AND THANKS TO A DISCOVERY TODAY, I FOUND A WAY TO ACTUALLY PUT A SERVER UP. THROUGH THE USE OF THE FREE SOFTWARE, EVOLUTION, WHICH I DON'T HAVE LINKS TO AT THE MOMENT AND WILL GET THEM VERY SOON, ALL PEOPLE WHO MAKE A FREE ACCOUNT THROUGH IT CAN JOIN AN INFINITE PARTY-SIZE GROUP, AND THIS GROUP AUTOMAGICALLY ASSIGNS PORT-FORWARDED IP ADDRESSES TO ALL PLAYERS. LONG STORY SHORT: ANYONE I INVITE TO THE UNLIMITED GROUP CAN USE THE HOST IP TO JOIN STARBOUND WHENEVER THEY LIKE. AND IT BYPASSES MY CRAPPY UN-PORTFORWARDABLE JUNK ROUTER. REJOICE, IN THE NAME OF THE GLORIOUS EMPEROR, REJ- Noidk, But see? I told you I'd get this! Thank Whacky for showing me this evolution system so we could get this off the ground! Now granted I have to get an additional internet wire ran to get a computer up and running for hosting, but We should be good to go now! Well, once I get it all set up. Because I don't want an internet cable hanging out of my second floor window. which I've had to do before and it wasn't pretty.
  11. Kilo

    Kilo Pangalactic Porcupine The Evolve homepage. This is the software thingymajig that I used to get this working, and you should be able to download it when you make an account. feel free to investigate and check it out! You can even link your steam to it! Nifty.
  12. Ragna

    Ragna Void-Bound Voyager

    k, i'm on evolve. lemme know the info and i'll be there! evolve name is 'yokumo' :)
  13. Kilo

    Kilo Pangalactic Porcupine

    It may be a bit, I have to run an additional ethernet cable to the second floor and get my second desktop set up for Server duty, but afterwards I should be able to just flick it to a Starbound server and just leave it up! We'll find out how stable it is eventually I guess. *shot*
  14. Ragna

    Ragna Void-Bound Voyager

    np. sounds like a plan! :-D
  15. Dexter

    Dexter Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Holy fck this thread hasn't been active for a long time. I haven't even visited the forums after I last responded here. But now I just woke up in the middle of the night (Almost morning, like 5am) so I just decided why not just rise and shine already. I went and made my coffee, made my sandwich, drank my coffee, ate my sandwich. Then I opened up the computer and went to see has anything special happened anywhere elsewhere in the world while I've been sleeping, well not really just the same Russia Ukraine thing... After sitting for a while on the computer, I just decided to check this place in a long while. And here I am saying hello and saying I've not been ran over by a car.
  16. Ragna

    Ragna Void-Bound Voyager

    hey there dex. good to see you're still alive. i think i popped in once since my last post, but that's been it. i'm alive too, so there's that!

    anything else new? :)
  17. Dexter

    Dexter Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Nope, not really. Too bad this clan kinda failed. :confused:
  18. Ragna

    Ragna Void-Bound Voyager

    yeah, it is. well, best of luck to you man. hope everything goes well for you. :)

    if you ever need anything, email me or somethin'. :D

    ragna out. :)
  19. Saal

    Saal Spaceman Spiff

    Mighty Wig is looking at you.
    Get up, Blue-Star Pirates. Revive.
  20. Tiny Master of Music

    Tiny Master of Music Existential Complex

    I'm still alive.

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