WIP Bong/ pipe / pink / cute furniture re-edits

Discussion in 'Mods' started by taintedwheat, Mar 23, 2016.

  1. taintedwheat

    taintedwheat Master Astronaut

    Hihi! I was inspired by other people in this community to start dabbling on this myself because I actually have the means to do so (just not necessarily the time and perfectionist x.x)

    - I made edis two two of the couches, the dark and wizard ones
    - Re edits to the obsidian vase / and decorative bowl into a bowl and pipe(layout credit to @Fox420)
    - Tne sunflowers into pink flowers.
    - Ergh.. The budget TV into a old-school shit computer and it does work the same. (I attached a picture of what it would look like with an office chair in front good, if only I remembered to get rid of that stupid bar first)
    - That blue thing you can put onto the wall into a pug.

    I plan to do other cute stuff. Let me know what you think~!

    couches wip.png house.png house2.png
    • Harperella

      Harperella Seal Broken

      I really like these, amazing work!
        taintedwheat likes this.
      • taintedwheat

        taintedwheat Master Astronaut

        Thanks! I'm about to release this and some other stuff in a new thread! in a couple of minutes!
        • DatRaph

          DatRaph Big Damn Hero

          I like the couches, but oh Jesus, why is that pug staring right into my soul? Make it stop!
            RoastedCoconutz and taintedwheat like this.
          • taintedwheat

            taintedwheat Master Astronaut

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