BUG on the map or main menu

Discussion in 'Support' started by ShenglongRS, Oct 15, 2018.

  1. ShenglongRS

    ShenglongRS Space Hobo

    I have some problem in the menu or map, when I open it appears letters and numbers that do not know what they are. Is there anything I can do to fix it?

      Attached Files:

    • LunarRayGames

      LunarRayGames Developer

      Wow, that's definitely is something.

      What system are you running in? What country is your computer set to?
      • ShenglongRS

        ShenglongRS Space Hobo

        System Windows 7 64bit
        Country is Brazil and i use keyboard in format ABNT2, maybe this might have interfered in something, i use control to play not keyboard
        • LunarRayGames

          LunarRayGames Developer

          Okay, is it only in the Difficulty Menu and Map Menu? Or does it happen in all Menus?
          • ShenglongRS

            ShenglongRS Space Hobo

            No, this is happen in all conversation with Letters, when i open The journal, and let's read one history, that happen this.
            When I finish the game, I can't read the history because this.
            • LunarRayGames

              LunarRayGames Developer

              Hmmm, can you post more screenshots of those screens too, please?
              • ShenglongRS

                ShenglongRS Space Hobo

                Yeah, sure!
                • ShenglongRS

                  ShenglongRS Space Hobo

                  In Download appear the error on the screen. When i defeat the king appears and on the map.

                    Attached Files:

                  • LunarRayGames

                    LunarRayGames Developer

                    Thank you so much! Hopefully I'll be able to figure this out :O
                    • ShenglongRS

                      ShenglongRS Space Hobo

                      I thank you for developing a game that brought me good memories of ps1 that already had hope that no one else would develop such a good game! What I can help you can count on me!

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