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(Bug) When milking animals in 1.3 beta in multiplayer

Discussion in 'Support' started by wartech0, May 5, 2018.

  1. wartech0

    wartech0 Intergalactic Tourist

    If you milk an animal in multiplayer in the latest version of the game and you milk an animal that cannot be milked, milk an animal that has no milk, or milk an animal too young to produce milk, the sound plays for all players (despite location in the game world) and the dialogue also displays for all players halting movement. I disassembled and peeked at that section of code and it looks as though you guys use the fishing rod bend sound with DelayedAction, but I don't think DelayedAction is respecting locality of players and the player who preformed the action (I would suggest just making the error milking sound one file that plays with the specified intervals inside the sound file). Same thing with the dialogs displaying uses the same class (DelayedAction) again not respecting locality.

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