Modding Discussion Burning Acid's Endgame mattermanipulators

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by Burning Acid, Dec 10, 2013.

  1. Burning Acid

    Burning Acid Void-Bound Voyager


    I like many others feel like the pickaxes don't really fit the games atmosphere, atleast not in endgame! So i added upgrades for the mattermanipulator (ranging from steel to Impervium) as you upgrade them they get faster or gets a bigger radius. There are three speeds and three radius upgrades(fast, faster and wtf) for each radius.

    You craft them at the robotic crafting table by mixing 8 of the tiered bars, the mattermanipulator from last tier and 800 pixels.
    (I also added a recipe for the normal Mattermanipulator, 16 copper, 8 gold, a molten core and 200 pixels.)


    To install:
    1. Add the "Endgame mattermanipulators" folder into your ../Starbound/mods/ folder (you might have to create it)

    2. Open the "bootstrap.config" for your system (e.g. "../Starbound/win32/bootstrap.config" for windows, "../Starbound/linuX32/bootstrap.config" or "../Starbound/linux64/bootstrap.config" for linux-es/i (think one of theese might be for mac aswell, not sure)
    And add "../mods/Endgame mattermanipulators" beneath "../assets", (<----- remember to add a comma)
    It should look like this:
      "assetSources" : [
        "../mods/Endgame mattermanipulators"
      "storageDirectory" : ".."
    3. Now you're almost ready to play, you just need to add the recepes to you player. Simply go to "../Starbound/assets/player.config" and add "{ "item" : "steelbeamaxe" },"
    "defaultBlueprints" : {
        "tier1" : [
                ------right here-----
                { "item" : "steelbeamaxe" },
                { "item" : "copperarmorhead" },
                { "item" : "copperarmorchest" },
    Then you are all set! Have fun!
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2013
    Nightmares likes this.
  2. Dreadly0x

    Dreadly0x Space Hobo

    I have added in your mod but it doesn't seem to be showing up. What are the specifics needed to make the item so I at least know that I have them because I am fairly certain that I added in all of those lines correctly.

    EDIT: Also figured out I was placing the txt in the wrong file. working now.
  3. Asatrix

    Asatrix Guest

    may be able to circumvent the text. I am testing this.
  4. Malicante

    Malicante Phantasmal Quasar

    Don't touch that bootstrap.config!

      "name" : "name of mod",
      "version" : "version you should use the mod with",
      "path" : "If different from /mods, put the path from /Starbound, otherwise put a period . ",
      "dependencies" : [insert rquired mods to use this mod here],
      "metadata": {
        "author" : "your name",
        "description" : "whatever you want here",
        "support_url" : "link to the mod on the Chucklefish website or wherever it's hosted"
    save it as modname.modinfo and put it in the mods folder (for example, /mods/endgame mattermanipulators/modname.modinfo), next patch to the game you'll get an asset that let's you add things to the player.config without touching it either.
  5. Asatrix

    Asatrix Guest

    nah, with the recipes, add "mod" to the group and testing with Tabula Rasa. hoping it will work. though I might remove that and just see if it works
  6. Malicante

    Malicante Phantasmal Quasar

    That works too, but I meant so you don't touch the bootstrap. Right now adding that snippet of code to a file and tossing it into your mod makes touching the bootstrap.config, not needed. The game now, as of Offended Koala, reads assets from the /assets folder as well as the /mod folder, so long as the mod has a .modinfo file in it.

    EDIT: I make the suggestion because I want as many mods as possible to be (easily) compatible with each other, instead of editing the bootstrap and player .config files. Apologies if I come off in a different tone.
  7. Burning Acid

    Burning Acid Void-Bound Voyager

    Guys, old post :p look at the one in the mods section of the forum

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