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Can’t save data for Starbound (Xbox Series)

Discussion in 'Starbound Support' started by Kabalwolf, Nov 12, 2024.

  1. Kabalwolf

    Kabalwolf Tentacle Wrangler

    So I got Starbound for the Xbox pretty much a few days after release, cause i haven’t had a pc for a long time and thought “great absolutely loved this game, I can finally play again”

    Now I can’t play the game at all. I keep getting an error saying that my account (for Xbox) can’t save anymore data for the game, I exhausted every method I could to fix it, as I thought it was an Xbox issue, tried deleting games, clearing local save files, I even got desperate to the point where I had to throw all the hours I had played down the drain and I just decided I’ll delete my save and start again, unfortunately the message popped up again after visiting the first planet.

    so I can’t play the game what so ever and Im just stuck with a game I can’t play. Very frustrating and wondered if anyone had any clue as to what to do and maybe if anyone else had experienced this?

    Attached Files:

    SpiralledDust likes this.
  2. SpiralledDust

    SpiralledDust Space Hobo

    I am having the same issue on my Xbox 1, I was exploring a desert planet when I got the pop up saying it could no longer store my save data. I have tried everything I could do on xbox's end for trouble shooting and I still can't save anymore data my characters are permanently stuck where ever they were last and I can't create any new ones.

    This issue only seems to affect Starbound on my console as no other games have been affected

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