Year 3, Fall 7th. Fully upgraded barn and coop, first house upgrade, pet cat, and some crops. Community center's finished, and I have 3 silos and no spouse (the number of silos and the lack of spouse have no correlation > u > )
Summer 19th, Year 3 Lots of stuff unlocked(Finished Community center bundles) All buildings but the actual farm is poop(No crops except for greenhouse crops)
Here ya go! 7 total saves in all, in various states of game progression. The earliest might be in Year 1, or possibly Year 2. Did not have all upgrades at that point, nor the Community Center. The latest is in Year 3 summer, all upgrades there and CC done. Good luck!
Fall Year 4| female character (tabby) pretty lucid farm with * 10 5x10 crop spaces * greenhouse * shrooms in cave * barn & coop with lotsa machines * restored community center * max house upgrade (fully furnished and decorated ^^) * SPACE SWORD * 10 hearts with marnie, linus, sebastian, abigail, pam, gus, shane and much more (rest is somewhere at 7 or 8 or so) * NO SPOUSE/WIFE (imma marry shane) * cat * huge collections of resources and minerals (>1000 iridium ore) * everything upgraded and unlocked * Kegs in Tunnel! (bus stop to the left) * 8 gold star fire quartz crystalariums in cave * all fruit trees twice * slime hunch with green, purple and black slimes
Summer Year 3 Save My farm is pretty much complete so i cant list off everything! Some things: Over 500 crops 3 deluxe coops 9 deluxe barns (8 used for kegs and other things) Stable 4/6 community center done level 93 mines large tree orchard
Year 3 Not Married Full house expansion Many Hearts maxed, almost all achievements 1 coop(4 chicken 1black chicken, 2 duck,2 rabbit) 1 barn (three cow, pig, goat)
Wesley Year 2, Spring 19th Single with Mermaid Pendant in inventory and all Bachelors/Bachelorettes at 10 hearts. Both Elliott and Penny's 10 heart events are ready to trigger by going to the beach in the morning and bathhouse pool at night, respectively. (All other Marriage Candidate heart events already exhausted.) Farmer Male Cat Skin 23 Hair 24 Shirt 67 Accessory 17 112:29 hours played 25,758g currently 648,878g earned in total 3? Stardrops found Equipment Watering Can - Iridium Hoe - Gold Axe - At Clint's being upgraded it to Iridium Pickaxe - Iridium Fishing Rod - Fiberglass Galaxy Sword Magnet Ring (additional small version to test stacking effects - 2nd chest from the left out front) Glow Ring (additional small version to test stacking effects - 2nd chest from the left out front) Space Boots Skills Farming 10 - Tiller > Artisan Foraging 10 - Gatherer > Tracker Mining 10 - Miner > Prospector Fishing 10 - Fisher > Angler Combat 9 - Fighter Rusty Key Club Card Skull Key Social Spouse: None Boyfriends/Girlfriends: All at 10 hearts and Mermaid Pendant in inventory Most of the other villagers are at 10 or 9 going as low as 5 hearts, except for Kent, Sandy, Krobus, and the Dwarf Casino Stats Qi Coins: 0 Steps: 432,055 Gifts given: 152 Days in SDV: 131 Dirt hoed: 2,795 Items crafted: 1,072 Items cooked: 124 Trash recycled: 36 Monsters slain: 1,213 Fish caught: 576 Seeds sown: 1,323 Items shipped: 4,453 Farm: House - Upgraded once Stable Greenhouse Mushroom Cave Current Crops (not many) Vegetables: Stringbeans, a few mature Parsnips, growning Cauliflower, Kale, and Rhubarb on the farm - 18 Starfruit and 2 Ancient Fruit growing in the Greenhouse Flowers: a bunch of mature Tulips and Jazz Flowers Trees: 1 of each, only 3 fully-grown (Cherry, Apricot, and ???) Deluxe Barns: 1 Cows: 4 Goats: 2 Sheep: 1 Pigs: 1 Deluxe Coops: 1 Chickens: 4 Ducks: 2 Rabbits: 2 Dinosaurs: 1 Silos: 3 Artisan Machines Kegs: 28 Preservers: 8 Oil Makers: 2 Cheese Presses: 5 Mayonnaise Makers: 4 Looms: 1 Recycling Machines: 1 Lightning Rods: 3 Tree Tappers: 8? (Maple and Oak only) Charcoal Kilns: 2 Furnaces: 10 Crystalariums: 1 Seed Makers: 1 Community Center Crafts Room - done Fish Tank - missing Red Snapper Pantry - done Boiler Room - done Vault - done Bulletin Board - missing Red Cabbage, Pomegranate, Apples Library More than half full 3 out of 4 Dwarven Scrolls Unlocks Mine Carts Secret Forest Quarry Sewer Elevator to bottom of the mountain mine Calico Desert Casino Skull Mine Misc Events Meteorites encountered: 1
Year 2, 13th Fall (I think) Married to Sebastian; no children Several crops and a handful of kegs Only the Bulletin Board in the Community Center needs completing Deluxe Coop; two chickens and a baby bunny Horse stable Pet cat Kitchen upgrade to farmhouse Galaxy Sword event triggered Skeleton Key acquired Iridium Axe and Pick; all other tools gold
I need a savegame to test a few mods where ALL quest are done..... The goblin problem should be solved, too. Please. Somebody got a savegame like this please? As far as possible, don't care if female or male.
I've got this: married to leah 1 big coop 1 big farm community center complete I think the only thing i haven't done is opening the casino.
hey im looking for a nice stating out farm. so one thats not too deep into the game but has a nice setup and a decent amout of stuff done
Here is my save file Year 7 summer, 4Million gold, 500+ tiles,40 crystalarium etc. Note: Jar+Keg in Quarry
I love my farm and i hope you too 3 year ,2 summer Married to Sebastian and two children The hearts of all NPCs are full except for the MC children House at Level 4 And decorated according to my own taste. Mastery 3 I found 7 Star Drops The farm is also almost decorated Complete all skills 3 million money ❤️❤️