While testing a new tileset, I noticed that they appeared drastically darker in the background and wondered if it were possible to lighten them? An example of one of my tiles is below: Code: { "materialId" : 13559, "materialName" : "mkthronewindowupperleftcorner1", "particleColor" : [154, 133, 90, 255], "itemDrop" : "mkthronewindowupperleftcorner1", "description" : "A super star adorns this massive window.", "shortdescription" : "Throne Room Window", "footstepSound" : "/sfx/blocks/footstep_stone.ogg", "health" : 8, "category": "materials", "renderTemplate" : "/tiles/classicmaterialtemplate.config", "renderParameters" : { "texture" : "mkthronewindowupperleftcorner1.png", "variants" : 1, "lightTransparent" : false, "occludesBelow" : true, "multiColored" : false, "zLevel" : 2920 } } The code references the "classicmaterialtemplate.config" file as it's renderTemplate. Upon examination of that file (below), it references shadows, but I wasn't sure what I'd have to manipulate in the .config file to lighten the shading, and was hoping someone might know. Any advice/help is greatly appreciated! ^_^ Code: { "pieces" : { "topShadow" : { "texture" : "/tiles/shadows.png", "textureSize" : [8, 8], "texturePosition" : [0, 0] }, "leftShadow" : { "texture" : "/tiles/shadows.png", "textureSize" : [8, 8], "texturePosition" : [8, 0] }, "bottomShadow" : { "texture" : "/tiles/shadows.png", "textureSize" : [8, 8], "texturePosition" : [16, 0] }, "rightShadow" : { "texture" : "/tiles/shadows.png", "textureSize" : [8, 8], "texturePosition" : [24, 0] }, "topLeftShadow" : { "texture" : "/tiles/shadows.png", "textureSize" : [8, 8], "texturePosition" : [32, 0] }, "topRightShadow" : { "texture" : "/tiles/shadows.png", "textureSize" : [8, 8], "texturePosition" : [40, 0] }, "bottomLeftShadow" : { "texture" : "/tiles/shadows.png", "textureSize" : [8, 8], "texturePosition" : [48, 0] }, "bottomRightShadow" : { "texture" : "/tiles/shadows.png", "textureSize" : [8, 8], "texturePosition" : [56, 0] }, "base" : { "textureSize" : [8, 8], "texturePosition" : [4, 12], "colorStride" : [0, 24], "variantStride" : [16, 0] }, "chunk" : { "textureSize" : [16, 16], "texturePosition" : [0, 8], "colorStride" : [0, 24], "variantStride" : [16, 0] }, "leftTopEdge" : { "textureSize" : [4, 4], "texturePosition" : [0, 12], "colorStride" : [0, 24], "variantStride" : [16, 0] }, "leftBottomEdge" : { "textureSize" : [4, 4], "texturePosition" : [0, 16], "colorStride" : [0, 24], "variantStride" : [16, 0] }, "rightTopEdge" : { "textureSize" : [4, 4], "texturePosition" : [12, 12], "colorStride" : [0, 24], "variantStride" : [16, 0] }, "rightBottomEdge" : { "textureSize" : [4, 4], "texturePosition" : [12, 16], "colorStride" : [0, 24], "variantStride" : [16, 0] }, "topLeftEdge" : { "textureSize" : [4, 4], "texturePosition" : [4, 8], "colorStride" : [0, 24], "variantStride" : [16, 0] }, "topRightEdge" : { "textureSize" : [4, 4], "texturePosition" : [8, 8], "colorStride" : [0, 24], "variantStride" : [16, 0] }, "bottomLeftEdge" : { "textureSize" : [4, 4], "texturePosition" : [4, 20], "colorStride" : [0, 24], "variantStride" : [16, 0] }, "bottomRightEdge" : { "textureSize" : [4, 4], "texturePosition" : [8, 20], "colorStride" : [0, 24], "variantStride" : [16, 0] }, "cornerUL" : { "textureSize" : [4, 4], "texturePosition" : [0, 8], "colorStride" : [0, 24], "variantStride" : [16, 0] }, "cornerUR" : { "textureSize" : [4, 4], "texturePosition" : [12, 8], "colorStride" : [0, 24], "variantStride" : [16, 0] }, "cornerLL" : { "textureSize" : [4, 4], "texturePosition" : [0, 20], "colorStride" : [0, 24], "variantStride" : [16, 0] }, "cornerLR" : { "textureSize" : [4, 4], "texturePosition" : [12, 20], "colorStride" : [0, 24], "variantStride" : [16, 0] }, "innerUL" : { "textureSize" : [4, 4], "texturePosition" : [0, 0], "colorStride" : [0, 24], "variantStride" : [16, 0] }, "innerUR" : { "textureSize" : [4, 4], "texturePosition" : [4, 0], "colorStride" : [0, 24], "variantStride" : [16, 0] }, "innerLL" : { "textureSize" : [4, 4], "texturePosition" : [0, 4], "colorStride" : [0, 24], "variantStride" : [16, 0] }, "innerLR" : { "textureSize" : [4, 4], "texturePosition" : [4, 4], "colorStride" : [0, 24], "variantStride" : [16, 0] } }, "representativePiece": "base", "rules" : { "EqualsSelf" : { "entries" : [ { "type" : "EqualsSelf" } ] }, "NotEqualsSelf" : { "entries" : [ { "type" : "EqualsSelf", "inverse" : true } ] }, "Shadows" : { "entries" : [ { "type" : "Shadows" } ] }, "NotShadows" : { "entries" : [ { "type" : "Shadows", "inverse" : true } ] } }, "matches" : [ ["main", [ { "pieces" : [["base", [0, 0]]] }, { "matchAllPoints" : [[[1, 0], "NotEqualsSelf"]], "subMatches" : [ { "matchAllPoints" : [[[1, 1], "NotEqualsSelf"]], "pieces" : [["rightTopEdge", [8, 4]]], "subMatches" : [ { "matchAllPoints" : [[[0, 1], "NotEqualsSelf"]], "pieces" : [["cornerUR", [8, 8]]] } ] }, { "matchAllPoints" : [[[1, 1], "EqualsSelf"]], "pieces" : [["innerUL", [8, 4]]] }, { "matchAllPoints" : [[[1, -1], "NotEqualsSelf"]], "pieces" : [["rightBottomEdge", [8, 0]]], "subMatches" : [ { "matchAllPoints" : [[[0, -1], "NotEqualsSelf"]], "pieces" : [["cornerLR", [8, -4]]] } ] }, { "matchAllPoints" : [[[1, -1], "EqualsSelf"]], "pieces" : [["innerLL", [8, 0]]] } ] }, { "matchAllPoints" : [[[-1, 0], "NotEqualsSelf"]], "subMatches" : [ { "matchAllPoints" : [[[-1, 1], "NotEqualsSelf"]], "pieces" : [["leftTopEdge", [-4, 4]]], "subMatches" : [ { "matchAllPoints" : [[[0, 1], "NotEqualsSelf"]], "pieces" : [["cornerUL", [-4, 8]]] } ] }, { "matchAllPoints" : [[[-1, 1], "EqualsSelf"]], "pieces" : [["innerUR", [-4, 4]]] }, { "matchAllPoints" : [[[-1, -1], "NotEqualsSelf"]], "pieces" : [["leftBottomEdge", [-4, 0]]], "subMatches" : [ { "matchAllPoints" : [[[0, -1], "NotEqualsSelf"]], "pieces" : [["cornerLL", [-4, -4]]] } ] }, { "matchAllPoints" : [[[-1, -1], "EqualsSelf"]], "pieces" : [["innerLR", [-4, 0]]] } ] }, { "matchAllPoints" : [[[0, 1], "NotEqualsSelf"]], "subMatches" : [ { "matchAllPoints" : [[[1, 1], "NotEqualsSelf"]], "pieces" : [["topRightEdge", [4, 8]]] }, { "matchAllPoints" : [[[-1, 1], "NotEqualsSelf"]], "pieces" : [["topLeftEdge", [0, 8]]] } ] }, { "matchAllPoints" : [[[0, -1], "NotEqualsSelf"]], "subMatches" : [ { "matchAllPoints" : [[[1, -1], "NotEqualsSelf"]], "pieces" : [["bottomRightEdge", [4, -4]]] }, { "matchAllPoints" : [[[-1, -1], "NotEqualsSelf"]], "pieces" : [["bottomLeftEdge", [0, -4]]] } ] }, { "matchAllPoints" : [[[0, 1], "Shadows"]], "pieces" : [["topShadow", [0, 0]]] }, { "matchAllPoints" : [[[-1, 0], "Shadows"]], "pieces" : [["leftShadow", [0, 0]]] }, { "matchAllPoints" : [[[0, -1], "Shadows"]], "pieces" : [["bottomShadow", [0, 0]]] }, { "matchAllPoints" : [[[1, 0], "Shadows"]], "pieces" : [["rightShadow", [0, 0]]] }, { "matchAllPoints" : [[[-1, 1], "Shadows"], [[0, 1], "NotShadows"], [[-1, 0], "NotShadows"]], "pieces" : [["topLeftShadow", [0, 0]]] }, { "matchAllPoints" : [[[1, 1], "Shadows"], [[0, 1], "NotShadows"], [[1, 0], "NotShadows"]], "pieces" : [["topRightShadow", [0, 0]]] }, { "matchAllPoints" : [[[-1, -1], "Shadows"], [[0, -1], "NotShadows"], [[-1, 0], "NotShadows"]], "pieces" : [["bottomLeftShadow", [0, 0]]] }, { "matchAllPoints" : [[[1, -1], "Shadows"], [[0, -1], "NotShadows"], [[1, 0], "NotShadows"]], "pieces" : [["bottomRightShadow", [0, 0]]] } ]] ] }
Those shadows are the shadows blocks cast when hit with light, not their hue/saturation/brightness unfortunately. Some tiles are dark, but as far as I know you can't adjust it. I typically just rework the tile until I'm happy by adjusting its brightness when saving it out.
You can lighten the background blocks, but only all of them, not individual block types. In the rendering.config, there is this line: Code: "backgroundLayerColor" : [128, 128, 128], You can use that to change the overall color applied over the background blocks, not counting light level.
What I did was to create an invisible light that would snap to the foreground though the image will need to have something like 1% opacity