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Bug/Issue Cannot complete multiplayer game without reconnecting at least 20 times

Discussion in 'Support' started by Kookysooky, May 28, 2019.

  1. Kookysooky

    Kookysooky Tentacle Wrangler

    I have been a fan of advance wars for years. First you have a bug that freezes everyone on the screen, and now that that's fixed, I cannot complete a match because your server is so bad. Every other game I play online is ok. This game I try to connect, even just matchmake, is extremely frustrating beccause I get disconnected before I even match up. I match up with someone then it disconnects again. I have to rejoin the match just to get on character select screen, and then as I'm taking my turn I get disconnected and have to retake all of my actions again.

    I would like a refund. I literally cannot play this game because it is so broken that my favorite game ever makes me want to throw my controllers at the tv
      creyesk likes this.

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