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Casual Server: starboundchaos.no-ip.biz

Discussion in 'Public Servers' started by chaosbacon, Dec 9, 2013.

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  1. chaosbacon

    chaosbacon Void-Bound Voyager

    Starbound Chaos Server

    I am running a basic small server which for the meantime is going smoothly, online 24/7 (with crashes occasionally ofc)
    Feel free to go on as you please and to trade/build/destroy but don't be a dick and grief people there, it's not a big server, currently friends and friends of friends play there but it is only a small group of people, feel free to join us! If it gains enough popularity and I can no longer run it myself I will buy a larger server for us all to enjoy.
    I plan to add mods when I have more time and more server patches are out.

    Server is constantly going offline atm due to updates and this is likely to continue as new patches are released, I plan to keep it running but I am preoccupied with college and will be going away for a few weeks so will only be able to access it by Teamviewer but feel free to use it to your hearts content!!
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2013
  2. InterstellarStoner

    InterstellarStoner Space Spelunker

    whats up! Sounds fun man can i join?
  3. Craventheboom

    Craventheboom Space Hobo

    Sup, dont wanna play by myself thats just boring. 23/M/US all that good stuff.
  4. chaosbacon

    chaosbacon Void-Bound Voyager

    Sure guys! enjoy the server! I personally only play at weekends really cos of college but others are often on. It lags with ~10 people but fewer than that is normally alright!
    Im 18/M/UK fyi ;)
  5. Craventheboom

    Craventheboom Space Hobo

    Whats the info on it?
  6. chaosbacon

    chaosbacon Void-Bound Voyager

    what info? the server is very poor quality, maybe 10 people max and lags at that many, the ip is starboundchaos.no-ip.biz
  7. manapool1

    manapool1 Space Spelunker

    may I join?
  8. chaosbacon

    chaosbacon Void-Bound Voyager

    of course! :D
  9. Nentendoboy360

    Nentendoboy360 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    message me bro!
  10. Dragoon305

    Dragoon305 Space Hobo

    msg me looking for casual server
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