A Centaur race would fit better if it was an Alien species in and of itself rather than combinations of strange alien four legged creature and one of the already existing races. Otherwise I don't see this panning out, its too fantasy.
Really like your work [They could be people that had been struck by "Mutant-horse-Sickness" and you (The player) have to find or brew a cure]
I'd piss myself if I saw one of those running at me I like it but I don't really see it fitting in with Starbound though...
Also, it could be awesome that the legs could be crafted, like robot parts, for your characters to wears them, you know like a class of mount, making your character when you want like a centaur cyborg.
Fantasy != Medieval era. Besides, Centuars are from greek myth. Also Ayumi, have you heard of the Artemis Fowl series of books? That's the only example of a sci-fi Centaur that I know of. Still, doesn't fit Starbound anyway.
I think you already stated that you do not believe is fits, but thank you for clarifying again just in case I forgot. Its not that just knight armor I was referring to but the thin line I believe to be between Sci-fi and Fantasy. You may not believe they are similar but I do and I rather have something that will help me improve the suggestion and not someone saying "it doesnt fit so it should be here.". Once I again I do believe it fits. Thank you everyone for giving their opinion (even if it is being restated over and over.)
I was thinking the same thing. It really would fit better for them to be like the Andalites or another sort of centaur-ish alien.
I loved the crap out of that book series when I was a kid. Anyway, on topic. Ayumi, love the pixel art, it's gorgeous. I think personally, I'd prefer something that wasn't a mix of the player races for the upper half. Something that looked like it was all one creature, rather than two different ones put together. (Basically, same coloration and patterning for upper an lower halves like the alien above) But I would love a centaur like race in the game somewhere. Definitely a cool NPC idea. On a side note, I never have understood the claim made by so many on the forum that this, or that, or the other, "wouldn't fit in Starbound" None of us have played Starbound. None of us have seen it any real depth. None of us have seen even a fraction of what all is in the game already. The only people who actually have even the slightest clue what "fits" in the game are the devs, and they're not sharing.
I think you can skipp the different races as centaurs and just go with the "Normal" ones, we need more interesting humanoid races that do not walk on 2 legs.
!=, stands for "not equal to", since there is no way to put a line through an equals sign on a keyboard. The Glitch aren't out of place, because they don't incorperate magic and fantasy and the like into their culture. It's difficult to explain, but it's all about aesthetic.
=/= or =|= are more universally understood to mean "not equal". I'd never even seen != till this particular forum