The character should be a soldier with a crossbow.
Speed: +++++
Jump: +++++
Regen: +++++
- Bolt : Shout a bolt with his crossbow for 120% , if the marksman didn't move during 2 sec he pass in aim mod and bolt deal 200%, if he moves again, he stays in aim mod during 3 more second ( range : high , 1 attack / sec , medium knockback).
- Caltrop : The marskman throw caltrops on the floor , slowing and making enemies bleed . slow 20% during 3 sec , bleed damage 30%/sec. ( radius medium , cd : 11 ; stay duration 3 sec, if monsters stay in the total duration will be 6 sec).
- Do a barrel roll : The marskman roll on the floor to leave dangerous situation , he can't be touch during the roll , he gains 15% mouvement speed and the abilitie to use "bolt" while moving during 3 sec. ( cd : 8 sec , range low).
- C4 : The marskman put a C4 charge behind him , ( you must reactivate the skill to make it exploids) when the charge exploids, it deal 1000% damage, if the marskman don't leave the C4 zone he hurts itself (range : at his feet , radius : high , cd : 8 sec , medium stun (1.5 sec) ; cd start after exploision).
Edit : due to the archaic radio system if the marskman go too far away from "C4" , the charge will disappear (range 1,5 screen)
This character his design for hit and run gameplay , with the possibility to nuke large group, with the combo "caltrop" + "C4" to do the best damage possible, and for good people they would be able to dodge "C4" exploision with "do a barrel roll".
the aim mod , give him a viable damage against lonely monsters with the capacity to stay in aim mode during 3 sec after moving combinate with "do a barrel roll" giving him a nice hit and run style for healthly monsters.
if you play in multiplayer with him i suggest you to take attack speed item and on kill effect , to maximize his capacities .
Character skin will be a medium man , wearing a camo suit , and a soldier helmet.
(sorry for grammar mistake and others , i'm not a good english speaker but i pretty love this game and have tons of ideas)
Edit : "C4 for more roleplay"
Last edited: Nov 17, 2013