stefanhaan submitted a new mod: Chicklet - Save file editor - A save file editor for StardewValley Read more about this mod...
stefanhaan updated Chicklet - Save file editor with a new update entry: Chicklet V1.7.0 - Bundle editor Read the rest of this update entry...
I accidentally switched to Morris' side on the community center. Is there anyway I can use this to turn back to the old community center before I joined Morris?
Pfff, I don't think thats possible at the moment. I'd need to look into this, as it probably needs to undo some events you have seen, mail you have received and set a flag. If you could attach / send me your save file I can play around and test with this.
Uhh say, I am like super noob at these things... I downloaded chicklet but before I do anything i felt the need to ask about how to actually use it. Does it need to be in the Stardew folder? or anywhere in my computer is fine? Also... where in the blue blazes is appdata? everyone says to find my save there, but heck if I have to find anything that looks like that yet.
You can put it anywhere. Just run a .exe file which is the Chicklet.exe file and load up your save. To open app data, press both the windows button and the R key in your keyboard at the same time. That should open run command, alternatively you can just search the run command in your computer in it's search bar. Anyways, once you open the run command; type %Appdata% and just search for the Stardew Valley folder which contains the save file. This is for people who uses Windows btw.
oh yeah I searched roaming until appdata showed up, I guess your way would have been faster lol, oh well... im about to edit this thing, I am just curious as of what happens if I change my gender, see if people still call me for what I was lol.
Normally Chicklet should open up the StardewValley folder automatic without you having to navigate to it.
I also get this error when I try to use the editor on a file that I have edited with the CJB Cheats Mod/Item spawner. Maybe it has something to do with that?
Hey Minused, This error means that on the initial page you see "Weather for tomorrow", that property changes what type of weather for tomorrow your TV will report. It happens to be that there is another option I didn't include in the editor. So it's trying to set a null value in your save, which is invalid to parse. So it is not saving it. Selecting anything here will allow you to save, this has been fixed in my next upcoming update.
stefanhaan updated Chicklet - Save file editor with a new update entry: Chicklet 1.8.7 - Inventory item Read the rest of this update entry...
hey 1.0.7 was epic but the new one updated my old one and that was great but wenn i opened it agen it was back to 1.0.7 and i downloadet the new one it doesent work
Do you use the windows 64 bit version? Does it not open anymore? White screen? Cause I updated my own client on my laptop and had no issue.