As much as I love the little babies in the game, I would love them so much more if they weren't stuck in perma-onesies. Little toddler outfits that show personality? Or some form of them not still being two. :T
I want my babies to wear Apple Bottom jeans, boots with the fur... Just kidding, but I agree something cute or break in color instead of just the bland solid color.
Okay, the males definitely look better than the females lol. Please let me know if there are any pixels out of places/colors that need to be changed/ways to make it look better/etc. Criticism on the girls' legs are greatly appreciated, they turned out kind of weird in some places. Changes from the original: I put the girls in a skirt, shortened the sleeves, and removed onesie buttons. Shoes for both genders. Male shirts are red with shorter sleeves and are in jeans. I didn't mess with their hair or skin tone. Sorry for the non-game images, I don't have a kid in game yet, so I appreciate anyone that can test out the look of them in game Male: Female: Download here, they're all in a zip file. Edit for anyone that doesn't know: Files go in Stardew Valley\Content\Characters. Remember to make a backup of your files and save game!
@leggomeggo My god! These are great! And done so quickly too! My critique: The pink on the girls is rather bright. Probably going a more pale pink would be a color to go with in it's stead. The boy is great color wise. Would be cute if the red shirt was striped with white or black. Little more dimension? Possibly on the darker skinned children, black hair/a bit darker hair would be better appearance-wise. Shoes are perfect! Legs do look a little weird on the little girl, but not too much so it looks off. But overall, this is EXACTLY what I was looking for. Thank you so very much! (and I love your icon btw.)
Thank you! Okay, I'll have to edit a bit later, we're entertaining house guests right now but glad you like it! I was planning on doing a few flavors anyway, so I can do a few different colors for Tshirts and such. I'm not quite sure how to make the girls' legs look better, would it better to just add pants? Or is it just a minor eyesore? Lol And yes, I was thinking of making the hair darker anyway so will definitely do that . And thank you about the icon, he's pretty awesome!
That's totally okay! Thank you regardless! : D And I'm glad I was near the mental ballpark. I think making it not flare out so much with the extra pixel would help a little? The legs are fine, and it's really not as bad as you think. It really is just a minor thing.