
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Colorfulshitbox, Jul 17, 2016.

  1. Colorfulshitbox

    Colorfulshitbox Poptop Tamer

    Is the Developer planning on having kids grow past stage 4? Or is that just how it's gonna stay? :unsure:
    • Lilliput

      Lilliput Supernova

      Jas and Vincent never grow up... why should your kids?
      • Colorfulshitbox

        Colorfulshitbox Poptop Tamer

        Lol true
        • CjBeats

          CjBeats Weight of the Sky

          He's mentioned it before. It'd be a lot of work, but it'd be awesome to have. (Not what he said btw. He didn't really say except that it'd be a ton of work to have your kids grow and kinda be like two extra people and yata yata(it's been a long time since i saw him mention it)) I would love my young chittlins grow to be older chittlins to help me out on the farm

          Edit: Also i am *NOT* saying he's adding them. I'm saying he's mentioned it so he knows we want them, but I personally don't think he's gonna add your children growing up. (I could be wrong though)
            WilliamZ likes this.
          • Colorfulshitbox

            Colorfulshitbox Poptop Tamer

            Yeah it would be helpful! But true it would be alot of work. I'm definitely fine with the children not growing past stage 4, I was just wondering if he was gonna implement "Teenagers", etc into the game.
              CjBeats likes this.
            • CjBeats

              CjBeats Weight of the Sky

              I'm with you. I really really want children past stage 4, but I'm also fine if he doesn't.
              • Colorfulshitbox

                Colorfulshitbox Poptop Tamer

                yeah, it would just be a little extra something to add! But ya, either way it doesn't make a difference to me. Still a kickass game.
                  CjBeats likes this.
                • WATERTHOOOOOSSEE

                  WATERTHOOOOOSSEE Phantasmal Quasar

                  Year 10,Vincent and Jas are still children,i think it is safe to say Jas is a demon and took Vincent's soul for the giggles.
                  --- Post updated ---
                  Year 10,Vincent and Jas are still children,i think it is safe to say Jas is a demon and took Vincent's soul for the giggles.
                    marimivo and WilliamZ like this.
                  • Lilliput

                    Lilliput Supernova

                    Well, it's certainly not just Jas and Vincent. Nobody in town ever ages a day even though they all get a birthday once a year. You can play the game for a decade or more and never see anyone physically grow any older.

                    It's those Stardrops, I tells ya. Stardew Valley is Shangri-La.
                      marimivo and Colorfulshitbox like this.
                    • Minimanta

                      Minimanta Spaceman Spiff

                      It would be a little weird to have your children grow up more than they do currently, simply because nobody else ages. Would be neat though, especially if they could grow up to be a helping hand around the farm.
                        Colorfulshitbox likes this.
                      • MagicallyClueless

                        MagicallyClueless Master Astronaut

                        5 years in the game and everyone is wearing the same clothes, same hair, sAME AGE

                        safe to say SDV's world doesn't need bathrooms or hygiene in general, and they are immortal

                        food is just for mining!!
                          Colorfulshitbox likes this.
                        • Irediel

                          Irediel Space Penguin Leader

                          Elliott: "Do you ever make time for cleaning?" [Insert Fabio's fabulous manly pretty face]

                          (Oh definit-- wait. Toilets and bathrooms don't even exist.) WELL, I GUESS NOT... no cleaning :/
                            MagicallyClueless likes this.
                          • plc

                            plc Astral Cartographer

                            Hmm, it'd be neat if the children grew up (sort of like Wonderful Life-though that would require Vincent and Jas, and everyone, to have another sprite to accomodate their teenage years) since one of my peeves about the old Back to Nature HM was the fact that your children never grow up...
                            Although if CA decided to implement this, I hope there will be features like Wonderful Life where your children gets to choose which field interest them (Not just farming, maybe art, music, metalsmith etc) and made them had schedule that corresponded to said interest...
                            • deukahng

                              deukahng Big Damn Hero

                                Aurrelia and LuthienNightwolf like this.
                              • Unassuming Obelisk

                                Unassuming Obelisk Big Damn Hero

                                I feel like that might change if your kids get past stage 4 and discover things like jam.
                                  Aurrelia likes this.
                                • StardewPally

                                  StardewPally Big Damn Hero

                                  LoL, one day you go into town looking for George to give him a leek and you find his wife instead "Oh, George. George died" :saywhat:
                                  • Colorfulshitbox

                                    Colorfulshitbox Poptop Tamer

                                    Are you serious, does that actually happen lol?
                                    • Minimanta

                                      Minimanta Spaceman Spiff

                                      No of course notX3

                                      But in a world of realism where people actually aged? Yes... Yes that would happen. Eventually.
                                      • RaineShadow

                                        RaineShadow Industrial Terraformer

                                        You can't even slaughter animals (which is a good thing, btw), so I really doubt we'd get something as dark as someone dying.

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