Bug/Issue "Citizen B crew decks: crew quarters" mission bug

Discussion in 'Support' started by donzen, Nov 1, 2014.

  1. donzen

    donzen Space Hobo


    when I try to click on the mission icon the game crash every time and the following error message appears:

    Bug description:

    OS: Windows 7 x86, version 6.1
    number of processors: 12
    system property hash: 0x51264531

    at com.robotality.halfway.gamestate.states.human.MissionBriefingState.setupTeamSelection(MissionBriefingState.java:123)
    at com.robotality.halfway.gamestate.states.human.MissionBriefingState.enter(MissionBriefingState.java:58)
    at com.robotality.halfway.gamestate.GameStateManager.changeState(GameStateManager.java:133)
    at com.robotality.halfway.gamestate.GameStateManager.update(GameStateManager.java:67)
    at com.robotality.halfway.game.Game.update(Game.java:220)
    at com.robotality.halfway.screen.GameScreen.update(GameScreen.java:215)
    at com.robotality.halfway.Halfway.render(Halfway.java:89)
    at com.badlogic.gdx.backends.lwjgl.LwjglApplication.mainLoop(LwjglApplication.java:207)
    at com.badlogic.gdx.backends.lwjgl.LwjglApplication$1.run(LwjglApplication.java:114)

    Display Modes:
    loaded from config: 1920x1080x32 (60 hz)
    desktop resolution: 1920x1080x32 (60 hz)

    Thanks in advance for reply.
    • Seminus

      Seminus Halfway Developer Developer

      Hey Donzen,

      Sorry to hear that you run into some trouble. I tryed to reporoduce the crash but couldn't so I need some more information from you and the save files.

      First can you try to do a "Check files integrity" if you are on Steam (I guess you are on steam? If not let me know what version you run on (GoG/Humble))
      Then try again. Does it help?
      If not could you please send all your save file to "hello (at) robotality dot com" so I can see what is going on with your save game...
      Also: did you use cheats or did you runing on a mod or did some other modifications? That would be important to know to reproduce your state.

      I hope we can solve that issue for you soon.
      Cheers[DOUBLEPOST=1414834386][/DOUBLEPOST]Forgot to add: you find the saves at: ./user/"yourName"/.halfway
      I need all the .json files. :)
        Last edited: Nov 1, 2014
      • donzen

        donzen Space Hobo

        Hi Seminus,

        I purchased the game on GoG, so I'll send you files by email. :)
        • Seminus

          Seminus Halfway Developer Developer

          I send you a mail with the fixed saves. Would be great if you could provide some feedback how you landed in the wrong homebase :D
          Really strange and should not happen when playing the game it looks like something you did and we did not foresee that it is possible...
          • donzen

            donzen Space Hobo


            As I've written in the e-mail, I just remember a previous mission where Morten says something like "jumps record" that I've failed 4 times. I hope it helps.

            Thanks for how fast you fix the problem, really appreciated.

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