Race Clara'an

Discussion in 'NPCs and Creatures' started by The Enlightened Grue, Jul 23, 2012.

  1. St Fonz

    St Fonz Existential Complex

    Haha, ok I guess it would be hard to beat you in this argument, being the creator. You could have said: "Oh no peasant, what you didn't know is that on the 1000 year anniversary of stainless steel structures, it was discovered the resistance to rust is only in effect for EXACTLY 1000 years. After that time has passed, it becomes rust in its purest form, RUST MONSTER!!!!"

  2. The Enlightened Grue

    The Enlightened Grue Master Astronaut

    I prefer to close all the gaps in my logic when I make something.
    It makes for a neater job, and helps me later on.
    For example, maybe a month from now- I might think "why's this again?", and a quick look back would answer it for me.
    Saves time in the long run, and makes everything flow much smoother.
    Making things flow smoother is an important thing in all areas of life. Math to English.
    Could have saved myself a lot of trouble if I knew that back when I was in High School.
  3. O5-2

    O5-2 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    What is the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow?
  4. Kint

    Kint Star Wrangler

    Since The Enlightened Grue doesn't seem to be around at the moment, I'll answer for him.
    The air speed velocity of an unladen swallow is 25 mph.:poptop::coffee:
  5. The Enlightened Grue

    The Enlightened Grue Master Astronaut

    No, Kint. That isn't the proper answer.
    You see, Templer 6 failed to ask a proper question.
    So Templer 6, what do you mean? An African or European Swallow?

    also, I may as well pop a little spoiler here for something I'm thinking of.
    Do these racing stripes make my Clara'an look fat?
  6. nic329

    nic329 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    "The Clara'an have passed laws making it a war-crime for an organic to construct a Clara'an without the direct and public permission of their Primum, and have purchased and destroyed all blueprints for their race that were in organic hands"

    i REALLY like this bit, i dont know why. but i was wondering what "defines" them for this. i mean does making one without arms get around it? or making a body but not installing the ai? or the other way around, putting the ai in a tank. just thoughts
  7. The Enlightened Grue

    The Enlightened Grue Master Astronaut

    good point.
    Can't believe I didn't notice that- thanks for pointing it out.
    I'll update the original post to include the answer:
    For now, the Clara'an would consider their effective "mind" as protected by the law, not their bodies (as it may become necessary to have repairs made in an area where no other Clara'an are, as just one example).

    Don't be afraid to point out anything else I missed!
  8. O5-2

    O5-2 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Both African and European Swallows. Tied to each other with laser-rope.

    (also the racing lines do make them look fat)
  9. Imnotdavis

    Imnotdavis Big Damn Hero

    Yes, yes they do. I don't know why but it seems like the racing stripe makes it bulge in the stomach area.
  10. The Enlightened Grue

    The Enlightened Grue Master Astronaut

    actually the sprite does have a bit of a "stomach" area, which is interesting, so the stripes work. I actually compared it side by side with the uncolored and it looked a bit thinner :D
    but I suppose I only notice these things because I sweat over every pixel I change in Paint.net thinking "How retarded am I?"
    here. Have a side by side.


    but yeah, I suppose I should find a different way to line up the stripes :S

    also yeah, it is good to get the opinions of other people on the sprites.
    mainly because when I work on adding colours or patterns, I'm working at 700% zoom, which gives a different perspective of the entire thing..
    add me not being a genius at pixel-art by any means, and your opinions are much appreciated.
  11. nic329

    nic329 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    so forgive the next area of text, i couldn't sleep last night and this is where my mind went :p what im about to ask has no bearing on starbound but are more interesting questions that might build on the race.sorry if these got answered before btw, i might have missed it.

    since its wrong to recreate the "mind" is it also wrong to "copy" it? thus cloning the person.

    since there are ai that are downloaded to the body can the download happen a 2nd time? for example to replace bodies, catch spies, or use in court

    on the topic of spys: could a husk be made (or a "brain dead" body found) and a new AI program put in.

    on the topic of the mind: how common are "mental" problems? two (or more) ai in a body, leading to multiple persoanlitys (or dr. strange love disease)

    More "fun" ideas. do they have there own version of myths and legends but changed to match there bodies/minds. ie: "the world is going to end to a giant cloud of rust" (even tho its not an issue for them, just an idea)

    and finally. "00001110110110...2" a clara'an ghost story. :p

    hope most of thoese idea where not to crazy. just stuff i thought off.
  12. The Enlightened Grue

    The Enlightened Grue Master Astronaut

    alright, lets answer these in order.
    On "Copying" a Clara'an mind rather than creating a new one - this act may or may not be illegal, depending on what "laws" are implemented in the actual game. For example, in some Sci-Fi series, cloning is considered prohibited, but not illegal.
    On downloading the AI between bodies - This is actually a loop-hole I left open, as a Clara'an body may become damaged enough that the "mind" may decide that its only option for survival is to be transferred to a new body.

    On the topic of spies - while a husk could be made, the actual consequences would depend on the intent. The Clara'an wouldn't punish someone going Trick or Treating, but actual Racial Impersonation into the "private" sections of their culture could cause them to become a bit wrathful. (As a universal example- perhaps there are some temples the Avian race would consider private to their race)

    On the topic of Multiple-Personality-Disorder/Inadequate-Bodycount-Syndrome : The only case of two or more Clara'an inhabiting the same body are either when ones body has become so damaged that it can only be transported back to a repair facility inside another Clara'an, in which case control is usually agreed to the owner of the body. In cases of "Body-Jacking" the two Clara'an will fight over the body, and the one who has more experience to call upon generally wins the battle (take that as you will. It could be general experience, or "working with computers" experience). As for Multiple-Personality Disorder itself... it is always taken care of when its determined to be happening, unless the Clara'an in question requests that they keep sharing one body.
    I actually really like that question.

    On myths/legends - The Clara'an, as a race that have their exact history, down to the original "concept art", don't really have Myths or Legends. Some have 'Bedtime' or 'Campfire' Stories, but they mostly leave religion to other races, except for a small handful which put stock in various human religious beliefs that don't hold them as "soulless Demons".

    A Clara'an Ghost Story - now you're just being silly. everyone knows there's no such thing as 2.

    thanks for all the questions nic!
    everyone else is free to ask questions as well (this was actually fun to answer), and now I have a few of my own.
    firstly : should I make a "questions asked and answered" section for the Original Post?
    lastly : should I "show off" my midnight sprite-graphics? (The stuff I doodle onto a Clara'an sprite towards 'just-before-bed' that I think "this looks pretty good" when I draw it, but makes me groan in the morning "ugh. what was I thinking?".

    we all have questions today :V
  13. nic329

    nic329 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    thanks for the answers :) they all sound good to me

    i say you should do a q&a section, just for easy reference.
    and if you want to put up the midnight sprites. :p mostly just because i like the name. maybe that should be your next race :p
  14. The Enlightened Grue

    The Enlightened Grue Master Astronaut

    you misunderstand what I meant by midnight sprites >_>
    the "midnight sprite-graphics" would be 'designs/colors' I work on for the Clara'an such as the striped one I asked about a couple of posts up.
    The only difference being that I do this stuff near midnight, at the moment in time when I'm getting tired enough that everything I'm doing is a damn good idea.
    My only interest in them after midnight is in that idle sort of "now why would I even..." sort of way, but hey- ya never know.
  15. nic329

    nic329 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    no i understood. i just ran with it the other way. lol sorry. i think seeing your late night creativity might be cool. if you put them up please let me know.
  16. The Enlightened Grue

    The Enlightened Grue Master Astronaut

    gonna need one more signature on that order form >_>

    good luck finding someone, nic :p

    and yes, I know you'll easily be able to find one more person. now shush and run along.
  17. O5-2

    O5-2 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Yes. Do put up your "Mid-night sprites". Do et or I shall do nothing!:lolwut:
  18. The Enlightened Grue

    The Enlightened Grue Master Astronaut

    well that's the second vote.
    So here is the current midnight-sprite panel I have.


    Left to Right, and Top down.
    1. Just a basic Clara'an sprite. I use it for reference.
    2. The Dual-Stripe I originally asked about. Also there for reference to previous design.
    3. A single stripe, that looks slightly better than the previous dual-stripe pattern in my opinion
    4. This.... horizontal stripes... this is where I started thinking I should try to add things in other colors, because it could look decent in something that isn't White with Transparency - Alpha at 128 or whatever I used for this.
    5. A heart. I don't know why. I just wanted something that would make me smile a little bit.
    6. Originally I tried to make a small skull, like I did with the small heart. I couldn't come up with a tiny design that fit correctly on the sprite, so I redesigned the dual-stripe instead.
    7. Spiral. Thumbprint. I honestly don't know why. This is why I call this the Midnight-Sprite collection. After I completed this one my only thought was "yeah... its bedtime big guy".
    8. Another basic sprite. nothing ever got done here.

    so, that's it. A peak into what happens when I have Paint.net and no reason to go to bed at a given hour.
    thoughts? questions? feel free.

    and yes, that is a different "eye" color. A mix of being to lazy to edit what my hue/saturation change does naturally, and an attempt to see how "eye color changes" would work with this race.
  19. O5-2

    O5-2 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Most are ok I like 6 the most and 7..........:eek:
  20. The Enlightened Grue

    The Enlightened Grue Master Astronaut

    did some more work...
    not sure if I should make these official patterns...they certainly look decent enough


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