WIP Clint without apron outside of blacksmith

Discussion in 'Characters' started by ThommyDude, Apr 1, 2016.


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  1. ThommyDude

    ThommyDude Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Hi everyone, This is the first mod I have ever made myself so I hope I'm doing this right.

    What I have done is edit the Clint sprite and portrait to remove his blacksmith apron, so now when he is outside of his home and not working (so basically during festivals) he won't be wearing it.

    However with the map, second sprite and second portrait it should work in such a way that he's wearing his apron while working in his home.

    I have tested it a bit, maybe not as much as I should but it SHOULD all work.
    If someone who happens to be right at a festival could real quick confirm that it does indeed work for people other than just me, that would be pretty great!

    I packaged it with the folders, so just drag them into the "content" folder in wherever you have installed Stardew Valley.

    I realized maybe some pictures would be a smart thing so people can see what I actually did...
    That is what the portrait looks like when he's outside.
    Inside the spoiler below is the sprite sheet for what he looks like without his apron.
    I know, I'm not great at pixelart, if anyone wants to improve what it looks like for me, please let me know!

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Apr 1, 2016
    • ThommyDude

      ThommyDude Scruffy Nerf-Herder

      For anyone checking this out, I have started a discussion/think-tank about maybe trying to do something like this for most characters to make the world more immersive.
      Anyway, go here to read more about it and join the discussion!

      • Lanx12

        Lanx12 Ketchup Robot

        Nice job kinda makes it seem Clint is always on the job 24/7
        • ThommyDude

          ThommyDude Scruffy Nerf-Herder

          Uuuh... Either you wrote that wrong or I did something wrong, the whole point of this is to make it look like he ISN'T on the job 24/7...
          • Lanx12

            Lanx12 Ketchup Robot

            Sorry bout that I meant so he isn't on the job. Stupid tablets gotta love auto correct
            • endermaryn

              endermaryn Scruffy Nerf-Herder

              It's a good edit. Nice to see Clint not married to his job while at the bar :D
              • ThommyDude

                ThommyDude Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                Haha, Alright, just making sure that I didn't do anything wrong ;D

                That was kinda what I was going for! Just a tad extra immersion.
                • talisa-kitteh

                  talisa-kitteh Orbital Explorer

                  great little mod!

                  always thought it was silly that clint seemed to wear his apron everywhere,
                  even when you were at festivals

                  its nice to see him in normal clothes when he's not at the workshop
                    ThommyDude likes this.

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