WIP ClowKusanagi's Anime Portrait Overhaul (Starting from other NPC first)

Discussion in 'Portraits' started by Clowkusanagi, Mar 13, 2016.

  1. Concerned Gorilla

    Concerned Gorilla Astral Cartographer

    any new update bro?
    • Clowkusanagi

      Clowkusanagi Intergalactic Tourist

      Hey guys, thanks for the continued support!

      Sorry bout the lack of updates for the past week, had a very hectic week and was unable to do much progress in the new portraits.
      But now that I've finally had some free time thanks to the long weekend, I'll be able to start doing my portraits again.

      In any case, here's the latest portraits WIP, featuring Caroline:

      I hope that I'll be able to finish her by tommorow at the latest.
        zyymurgy, Valkjosandi and Zevrix like this.
      • satler

        satler Intergalactic Tourist

        nice, i cant w8 to see her
        • Clowkusanagi

          Clowkusanagi Intergalactic Tourist


          And her portraits is finally done (phew)!
          So, without further ado, here's Caroline portrait:

          As usual, download link is located at the very first opening post.

            zyymurgy likes this.
          • Concerned Gorilla

            Concerned Gorilla Astral Cartographer

            Yes!! You're the man I hope you can render the marriage candidates with your style man I loved them here to say I'm a fan!
            • Dawnight

              Dawnight Big Damn Hero

              Wow. Nice job!
              • Nightscaled

                Nightscaled Tentacle Wrangler

                Snagging Emily, Shane, and Caroline!! Thanks!!
                • Clowkusanagi

                  Clowkusanagi Intergalactic Tourist

                  Thanks guys, I'm glad that you guys liked what I've created!

                  In any case, here's the latest portraits featuring Caroline's Husband, Pierre! He is in dire need of a re-imagining in comparison to the other characters, the original portrait is wayy to simplistic and outdated.


                  Hope you guys enjoyed it!
                  • SasuraUchiha

                    SasuraUchiha Cosmic Narwhal

                    Really beautiful Sprites. Like them a lot.
                    Looking forward to see the other villagers and the bachelors and bachelorettes!
                    • Valkjosandi

                      Valkjosandi Subatomic Cosmonaut

                      Yay! So glad to see that you're back at it again with these amazing portraits. Both Caroline and Pierre look great! Can't wait to see the rest! :D
                      • Clowkusanagi

                        Clowkusanagi Intergalactic Tourist

                        Thanks guys!

                        Just a quick update, I have slightly updated Pierre's portrait to version 2, changed his left eye positioning a bit and bit of clean up in his shadow.

                          endermaryn likes this.
                        • Concerned Gorilla

                          Concerned Gorilla Astral Cartographer

                          damn can't wait for full characters
                          • wraith_magus

                            wraith_magus Space Spelunker

                            Your work is great, I especially love the Emily portrait, but also how Lewis is redone without making him look too young.

                            Could I request Sandy? I really don't like her default sprite, and nobody else making the anime mods seems close to getting around to her.
                            • endermaryn

                              endermaryn Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                              These continue to look great!
                              • Elenor

                                Elenor Space Hobo

                                I LOVE what you did with the portraits :D

                                Please Please PLEASE do the others too ^^
                                I'd love to see what you come up with !!!

                                I'm really curious how your Abigail, Elliot and George will turn out :D
                                • Kagea

                                  Kagea Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                  wow i love your artwork and they fit so good ingame when i read anime i had a total different Picture in mind (more shojo like) I can truefully say that I was happy to see that they are not "total" animelike. they have so much depth just wow.
                                  I really hope you find time and motivation to do the rest of the villagers too.
                                  Amazing work and thank you for sharing!
                                  • HiHaHi123

                                    HiHaHi123 Orbital Explorer

                                    Nice work! Thank you!

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