You're hinting that I'm a nerd or gamer! What if I was a grumpy old man who came here to yell at those young fibblesquabblers for wasting their time talking about a violent video game and the internet?
Anyone else having trouble updating their post? Keep getting "Server didn't respond in time error", sucks. Is there character limit per topic or anything like that?
Yay I had a similar problem. I think it's because of too many pictures. I had to merge two pics into one.
Hmm works now, I guess it was crappy internet connection at school. Also all of my pictures are linked from outside sources, so I shouldn't be hitting the limit any time soon heh Uploaded Pink Ram walk cycle, for the ladies! haha
The ant mount animations are awesome- the leg moving loops are done very well! Soldier: "You have learned something today" That line had me cracking up Bombardier: They remind me of contortionists and I can't help thinking that they're holding their butts, squeezing out a pimple. Only it's explosive *giggles* Scout: I just want one of these. Or like...have it as a mount for my pet! Guard/Ram: One of my favourite ones, along with the Scout, it's just awesome. And I can imagine bothering one of my friends into it to get pushed over for the lulz (okay, I'm terrrrible when it comes to multi-player, unless I've got a job of some sort. Like digging. I like digging.) Getting carried to the Queen sounds like a fun trip, especially if the colony has dug down deeply with twisty maze like tunnels I really like your idea and the colony system, which makes it quite interesting to come across if it does get into the game Sooo many good entries! P.S. That spoiler *died from laughter*
You've gotten so much feedback...You deserve at least a runner up trophy, if not the grand prize. We only have three days left to optimize also known as blow up our entries. I'm nervous.
Feed back is just a feed back, its nice when people appriciate your work, but that's not what will decide who will be picked (otherwise I would loose haha). And I still got quite few ideas and more sprites I really want to add, however this is going to be pretty busy weekend for me so it really sucks that I can't add everything I want
Awesome job ! I hope the developers will choose your idea, it remind me earth defend force and fallout
Finally! someone else noticed the spoiler!! Bout time lol! Thats one of the best parts! ROFL! Pink ant armies will be roaming the planets now haha!
Hmmm... You know, I do like the idea. It would be cool if they could do a colonial migration, like ants IRL.
It would be fun to have ant colony that doesn't build hive, but just travels around surface of a planet, obliterating anything in its path hehe