this is really nice, the work put into it is amazing. not as creative as other peoples. but still amazing work man.
Giant army ants... we're all doomed On the other hand being taken to the queen of a living hive made of ants would be something...
I can already imagine a whole lotta of a great mod that turns players into giant ants of their choice... ME WANT! I want to be a Flea! Colony Anthill 2 anyone?
This suggestion is the best one I've seen so far!! You earned my respect, and I want this suggestion to win!!! Keep up the good work =D
Apparently, you've got me to make a Dwarf Fortress-inspired RP based on your thing... Can I do it? *boi faic*
Go for it! Not sure how much time you have left though. I think they gonna close the sub forum sometime soon today.