Colored glass ideas

Discussion in 'Blocks and Crafting' started by Torin Vandervort, Jun 5, 2012.


Do you think this is a good idea.

Poll closed Jun 12, 2012.
  1. yes

  2. no

    0 vote(s)
  3. with some change

    0 vote(s)
  1. Torin Vandervort

    Torin Vandervort Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Colored glass it would just be sand and a type of dye the dye or other way's of coloring glass the glass could be used in making vehicles so the windows are colored also in anything that has a form of glass in it also flash lights so the light is colored and goggles is a idea I had so if you had a colored lens you could make goggles that make you screen is colored. Thank you for you time vote on this please sorry about any spelling errors.
    Magikarp, Falcon42 and rafeu like this.
  2. Run Juan Run

    Run Juan Run Big Damn Hero

    yea sounds good!
  3. KuraiRyuu

    KuraiRyuu Space Kumquat

    It would be/look nice :D. It would also go into this idea too.
    Falcon42 likes this.
  4. Shahab

    Shahab Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    definetly yes.developers should see this
  5. Noppan

    Noppan Void-Bound Voyager

    I think it would be more fun if the sand is colored from the start.
  6. Falcon42

    Falcon42 Starship Captain

    Yeah, sounds like a plan. I remember the colored torches in Terraria after v1.1 update. If Starbound's lighting is similar, I think it would be cool for all light coming through colored glass to be that color against walls or floors or your character.
  7. Falcon42

    Falcon42 Starship Captain

    Oh wow, the poster of that thread read my mind...
    Catoosie likes this.
  8. Magikarp

    Magikarp Void-Bound Voyager


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