Hello I created a simple tool that enables you modify the community center items and names. It's web based with PHP. Updated 2020: I updated the mod for Stardew Valley 1.4 and also is a self contained app now you can generate the XNB file needed to replace the one in the game for your custom one. If you need you can replace the YML files inside www/resources/yaml with your custom ones to begin with an already modified community center. https://github.com/NinjasCL-archive/stardewvalley-ccmod/releases Just execute ccmod.cmd and you will be all set (Windows only tool, but the xnb files can work in any OS). Hope it is useful
I tried using your modding tool, but I was unable / too dumb to convert the bundles.yml into the .xnb format. Could you explain to me how that works? Of course I tried the way that is described on the website here: https://github.com/draivin/XNBNode When I followed the instruction, I downloaded the .dll file and was lost.
It´s not too difficult Here is a guide http://community.playstarbound.com/threads/beginners-guide-to-xnb-node-and-graphics-editing.110976/ 1.- Download the YAML file 2.- execute xnb_node pack Bundle.yml Bundle.xnb 3.- Copy xnb file to the Stardew Valley´s Data folder.
Like the mod. IS there any chance of a vs compatible with the More Crops Mod which is used in the Longevity Mod? Longevity https://community.playstarbound.com/threads/longevity-v1-5-v1-6-w-more-crops-mod-v1-6-5.131221/
I'd like to use this with custom crops as well. Would it be possible to have the tool parse a custom objectinformation file?
Hello all! long time no see. I updated the mod for Stardew Valley 1.4 and also is a self contained app now you can generate the XNB file needed to replace the one in the game for your custom one. If you need you can replace the YML files inside www/resources/yaml with your custom ones to begin with an already modified community center. https://github.com/NinjasCL-archive/stardewvalley-ccmod/releases Just execute ccmod.cmd and you will be all set (Windows only tool, but the xnb files can work in any OS). I believe it can be compatible as long as you use the ids in the crops corresponding to the modded ones. But they must be added in the available items to appear in the form. Yes you can provide a custom object information file inside www/resources/yaml Now is a self contained app with everything you need to create your custom community centers just exec ccmod.cmd I found that directly modifyng xnb files is not needed anymore https://community.playstarbound.com/threads/migrating-xnb-mods-to-content-patcher-packs.141577/ So anyway use this tool if is useful .
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