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Concerns About Calling People Out For Dating Everyone

Discussion in 'Support' started by Missanthrope, May 9, 2018.

  1. Missanthrope

    Missanthrope Orbital Explorer

    From my knowledge, in a new update you will be called out for dating everyone. Im afraid that when the update comes out people will start hating me. I have given everyone I could a bouquet, not because I wanted to date everyone but because I wanted to have as many friends as I could. I thought by giving them a bouquet I could have more hearts with everyone. Now I fear people will hate me because I did this, but I had no intentions to date everyone.

    Is there anyway you could fix this issue?

    I know I can go into my save files and change it from there, but others may not be aware.
      margotbean likes this.
    • margotbean

      margotbean Existential Complex

      I agree, it seems like a cruel trick to play on us.
      • Koihime Nakamura

        Koihime Nakamura Ketchup Robot

        Well... not everyone wants to share, honestly. I'm reasonably sure this is just there to stop unintended behavior.

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