Cooking - Resource Gathering - Details Archiving

Discussion in 'Blocks and Crafting' started by rosett, Mar 27, 2012.

  1. rosett

    rosett Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    (initial discussion here, along with other things: )

    my idea is, cooking uses ingredients (from plants and creatures) that are procedurally generated, each with effects/buffs that are unusable yet because they can't be consumed raw.

    the cooking process would involve a simple minigame, like with cooking mama, only simpler. if done well, it boosts the effects of the food, which are also determined by the ingredients.

    the logbook would list the effects of the ingredients that you've found, along with the name of the planet on which it may be acquired. this way, it'll be easier to return to said planet in order to harvest more of the ingredient.

    logbook categories: useful (possitive effects, negative effects), useless (harmless, harmful)

    the ingredients can be acquired via foraging for plant-based ones, with the help of gardening tools, and stored inside a 'basket' of some sorts, extra inventory slots that are able to store plant materials. (like the tailoring bags in WoW)

    for creature-based ones, corpses can be carved for body parts, using a knife.
    KuroHinotori, Defenseless and Vargus like this.
  2. Vargus

    Vargus Big Damn Hero

    OH I remember talking about this! In my mini-games thread I think, right? I still think this is a neat idea, and Idk why nobody commented on it before.

    Cooking mini-games are fun!!! So this whole idea has always been somethin I'd like to see.
  3. Gadgetguy

    Gadgetguy Bag of Holding

    This would be very interesting!
    One thing I wish that was easier in Terraria.
  4. Defenseless

    Defenseless Phantasmal Quasar

    cooking would add another activity to the game :D I hope the buffs arent overpowered (if the devs decide to put cooking in)
    KuroHinotori likes this.
  5. Gadgetguy

    Gadgetguy Bag of Holding

    Carrot = 10 Health
    Stew = 100 Health
    Maybe something like this?
    Where if you cook the food will be more potent than the individual ingredients?
  6. rosett

    rosett Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Vargus: you brought life into this thread! :D thank you!

    Defenseless: with there being level 1 threat planets and level 100 threat planets, i think it'll scale accordingly! however there's nothing stopping anyone from bringing high level things for new characters to use, just like in many online/multiplayer games i guess :p i guess the state of being overpowered is a relative thing...

    Gadgetguy: terraria had a set number of potions and recipes :( some of the potions like owl potion and shine potion doesn't actually do anything. starbound is definitely going to be a vastly different game from terraria.

    yeah, cooking them to make them more potent is in my suggestion :D i heard somewhere that there will be skills? so maybe that figure of 10 to 100 would be reachable by a really skilled cook. a moderately skilled cook could make 10 into say, 60.

    going back to Vargus, i'm starting to really wonder if starbound is going to put a lot of minigames in, though. mass production seems to be a thing, as evident by the newest screenshot (that structure seems to use a lot of some kind of processed block and glass)... it really wouldn't be practical to make something one by one...

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