
Discussion in 'Blocks and Crafting' started by Spongecoty, Mar 11, 2012.

  1. Spongecoty

    Spongecoty Space Spelunker

    With all the talk of creatures and possible use of pets or farming with them i think it would be cool to have a somewhat shallow cooking tree. I like games that incorporate cooking like Tales of Symphonia; where as your level in cooking went up the food you made became more intricate and more rewarding. The better you got the more ingredients you could use which means the more effects it could cause ex. early on maybe only two to three ingredients could be used and later on maybe five to six could be used, maybe even get a slight hint of what the effects could be on finished ingredients you havent made before.

    It would make more use of creating a farm for creatures as well as herbs or plants.

    This of course just a brief idea within a time limit of a few minutes so if anyone has any other input or better idea.... great ha.
  2. Madmarlon

    Madmarlon Pangalactic Porcupine

    As long as they include a food bar, I'm in! If they wont, then the food could give you some buffs like increased moving speed, regeneration or other stuff.
  3. GigaNova

    GigaNova Cosmic Narwhal

    Im all with you on that one, i wouldnt like a food bar actualy, otherwise you'll get a minecraft effects that ruins the gameplay, for ME then.
  4. Madmarlon

    Madmarlon Pangalactic Porcupine

    Hmm,I guess some players can feel like that. I guess they could split this into two gamemodes!
  5. GigaNova

    GigaNova Cosmic Narwhal


    Can you give me an example, i dont realy think food is a seperate gamemode, more like an option.
  6. Madmarlon

    Madmarlon Pangalactic Porcupine

    I meant something like the normal "softcore" mode
    and a "realism" mode, with less health, food bar, pressure bar, temperature bar and stuff like that!
  7. GigaNova

    GigaNova Cosmic Narwhal

    Somehow i dont like the idea, i dont know why....
    I think i would like to see the same system as Terraria had, not to worry about Food, and other stuff.
  8. Madmarlon

    Madmarlon Pangalactic Porcupine

    Well, I guess you're right. Anyway it will be up to the devs
  9. Spongecoty

    Spongecoty Space Spelunker

    Yeah just have it as a kind or extra thing so its not really important to gameplay. It could b an alternative to heal yourself or something small like that
  10. Closseau

    Closseau Big Damn Hero

    i think it could be good for a buff system
  11. Drithyl

    Drithyl Phantasmal Quasar

    Not so much as a buff system, as I'm pretty sure there will already be potions or whatever things (DNA) that grant you temporary buffs, but it would actually be nice as part of a more hardcore mode where you'd need to eat and everything (and it's being considered, at least in the compilation). I would actually like to see a hunger and thirst bar, I mean, it adds to the thrill of exploring. You get to plan out more your planetary explorations, having to carry food, drinks, etc... Of course, it should somehow be optional (maybe a server option), because I know for sure that lots of players won't want to worry about food (like GigaNova said).
  12. Spongecoty

    Spongecoty Space Spelunker

    Would you really need a special server? You couldnt just have it like game modes or dificulty, like terraria with soft mild and hardcore. Or better yet have an option to turn "reality mode" on or off. It would just add hunger and thirst. Maybe even fatigue and environmental temperature so you need to worry about cold and hot....Maybe ha
  13. The Enderman

    The Enderman Phantasmal Quasar

    Interesting. Being able to cook food could actually be useful in that you could cook it and sell it to other people for pixels, and given money will be important in this game, it would be a very nice thing to practice.

    PS. This should probably be in the mechanics section.
  14. Starheaven07

    Starheaven07 Pyxis Tube

    how about taking this in an entirely different direction?
    NPCs have to eat after all... maybe the food could be something you get for them, to keep them happy?
  15. Drithyl

    Drithyl Phantasmal Quasar

    Well they've already said that food meter won't be in the game, so this is already a modding idea.
  16. Spongecoty

    Spongecoty Space Spelunker

    lol well that was fun. All's fun though. Keeping them would still be cool. A happy store owner could sell you better things as well as give a discount
  17. T-Bone Biggins

    T-Bone Biggins Phantasmal Quasar

    My 2 cents, I never cared much for overcomplicated food cooking in games. The most dramatic effects I had from food was the runs from overdose of hotsauce or vomiting from food poisoning. Maybe have several recipes made from various plants or meats, and eating them refills a hunger gauge a certain amount for certain foods.

    Say take a meat that if you just cooked it on a fire would still be toxic, but mix with a certain herb in the same environment the meat came from it takes the toxicity out of the meat. Or have several components to make something akin to an MRE, a really dense and portable food source for convenience in the field so you don't go hungry, and you need to make it with equipment on the main starship.

    EDIT: Just read how there will be no food meter in the game. Oh well. I'm still not a fan of food buffs, I'd say go down the drugs route if you want dramatic buffs because those are based in science. Look at that one German sprinter from a while back, he runs fast yet has 'ze spiders crawling all over!'
  18. Fantasja

    Fantasja Industrial Terraformer

    You'r so right Minecraft is one of the only game i know where food is something worth and thats cuz they have food bar so if you dont have food bar food would be like crap...
  19. Drithyl

    Drithyl Phantasmal Quasar

    It won't be "crap", it's just a different vision of things. Having too much realism can also hinder gamplay, there're lots of things to consider in the making of a game. I would also like to see a food meter, but the fact that there won't be one doesn't make the game crap. Also, modding will be supported so my guess is that someone will end up incorporating a realism mod where you not only have a food meter but also a thirst meter and all.
  20. Fantasja

    Fantasja Industrial Terraformer

    I didn't meant the game would be crap... But food wouldnt be anything worth for you without food meter. So when you get it you would think "Hmmm its just food cant even use its just crap imma drop it...".

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