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Community Coordinates Megathread

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Izzabelle, Feb 4, 2015.

  1. TheDerpyOlive

    TheDerpyOlive Space Hobo

    has anyone found an Avian are ship?
    if so please tell me. (im running mac OS X)
    Ralek and CrystalCharlie like this.
  2. About69Tacos

    About69Tacos Void-Bound Voyager

    Can I get any planets with instruments and what they are
  3. TheDerpyOlive

    TheDerpyOlive Space Hobo

    they do. atlease they were a thing in the last update
  4. Milly Rainbowskittlez

    Milly Rainbowskittlez Cosmic Narwhal

    Found a music box and an accordian, as well as a floran village. all on the surface c:
  5. Roselle

    Roselle Pangalactic Porcupine

    I said earlier that I would post the planets I have seen with rose trees. It's late because I was celebrating Valentine's with my husband. :'3

    Most of these roses are shades of purple and green, though I think there might be yellow on one of the planets I will list...or maybe they were green. If you know where to find other varieties of rose trees on Windows 7 64-bit, stable, I'd love to know.

    Also, I took these notes from the ones I keep for my own records, but I noticed some errors in other entries from when I was really tired. Therefore, I am not sure all these are correct. Ye be warned.

    That said, here--HOPEFULLY--are some planets with roses:

    (Again: Win7 64-bit, stable version of Upbeat Giraffe. I've never played or even downloaded unstable.)

    The Beta 53 Per 70 System

    X: -81675933
    Y: 324481357

    Beta 53 Per 70 II

    Mostly harmless. Forest. Sun, rain, drizzles.

    Scattered spring biomes containing many blueprints, and also beautiful turquoise and pink rose trees. Might have found an instrument here, but it could have been a random drop. Sugarcane, tomato. Weirdly small USCM bunker.

    The Epsilon Krism System

    X: -57397005
    Y: -260998648

    Epsilon Krism 38 II

    Many spring biomes with magenta rose trees amid a nice Earthlike forest. Several bandit and merchant camps. One merchant house with hidden chest.

    Epsilon Krism 38 IV c

    Mostly harmless forest with different kinds of rose trees. Spring biomes. Glitch village going left. Avian bird temple directly right of spawn. Friendly avian outpost (rebels?) shortly after.

    One of the probably rightmost spring biomes has a chest containing flowery vines (back slot, leafy wings).

    Several spring chests are found slightly subsurface. Investigate all visible caves.

    The Alpha Al Tarf 364 System

    X: -57397001
    Y: -260998643
    Alpha Al Tarf 364 VI

    Mostly harmless forest with spring biomes (again...). Glitch wizard tower directly right of spawn.

    Going right from the tower, lots of pastel beech trees ("beech with lotus") alternating with pink and purple rose trees. ANOTHER glitch wizard continuing right. Green tech chest in a hole very near the surface.

    Some spring chests underground again, so inspect those cave entrances.

    Two flowery vines found here.

    The Epsilon 3 Vul 282 System

    X: -57396988
    Y: -260998632

    Epsilon 3 Vul 282 IV

    Mostly harmless forest. Beautiful birch rose trees in magenta and turquoise. Many mushroom biomes with lots of chests and giant shrooms in pink and pale turquoise, and also pale green. Very pretty planet.
  6. Milly Rainbowskittlez

    Milly Rainbowskittlez Cosmic Narwhal

    the other desert planet in that image, theres a glitch village, and a trumpet, as well as 2 pre-historic tops
  7. rosedragon

    rosedragon Void-Bound Voyager

    Thanks Roselle! I am afraid I can't use the coords as I just found out now one of my mod create new star systems ;3
  8. RobM357

    RobM357 Aquatic Astronaut

    I've taken note of a couple entries here from the last couple days for the Avian Airship for the treasure map quest (last one I need from current quest chain) though after exploring 30 odd systems and numerous planets I'm not holding much hope. If the universe is tied to os, is anyone out there running Win Vista 64bit and has found the treasure map? I'm on latest unstable build. If not, is there any way of resetting or generating a new universe. Cant believe the RNG hates me that much that I'm managing to find every planet that DOESN'T have the airship....

    *** EDIT ***

    Should probably point out I'm running the 64-bit OpenGL experimental version of the game also.
  9. Shadox2.0

    Shadox2.0 Spaceman Spiff

    Open server.exe and check it when you beam down to a planet , you will see if you have a town/dg on the server.exe.
  10. Nerva

    Nerva Parsec Taste Tester

    You can reset your universe file by navigating to the ...\Starbound\giraffe_storage\ folder, and opening Starbound.config with a text editor. Set the entry that reads "clearUniverseFiles: False" to True. Then start the game, load up a character, and beam down to whatever world you're hovering over. Then save and quit. Close Starbound, then reopen Starbound.config and return the "clearUniverseFiles:" entry to False again.

    Alternatively, you can wipe the contents of the ...\Starbound|giraffe_storage\universe folder, and let the game generate a new universe for you next time you start. This may wipe your known codex entries, though.
    RobM357 likes this.
  11. RobM357

    RobM357 Aquatic Astronaut

    Thanks Nerva, I'll give that a shot. As expected the planets mentioned in the locations I jotted down didnt even appear in the map, lots of systems, just none named as per the posts and certainly no airships :(
  12. Wonse

    Wonse Aquatic Astronaut

    Avian Pirate on a extrem dead planet. on en left
  13. Shadox2.0

    Shadox2.0 Spaceman Spiff

    Or you can reset a planet 1 by 1 if needed if the universe folder (usefull for farm a

    Reset is nice for farm or repear a planet , but reset univers dont change planet , if some coordinates don't work now , i don't think they will work after reseting imo.
    Roselle likes this.
  14. RobM357

    RobM357 Aquatic Astronaut

    So is there no way to force a planet or system to change what it is? If the players operating system plays a part in system/planet generation, then I've probably got a better chance of winning big on the lottery than finding a pirate ship using the co-ords listed in this thread as most people now are probably playing on windows 8 or 8.1, a few less playing on 7. And from what I've read on other sites, spawning it in with admin commands doesn't complete the quest (not to mention taking the fun out of it all)
  15. TheDerpyOlive

    TheDerpyOlive Space Hobo

    (mac SO X)
    check out the hole solersistom (except for the moons) there are about 3 avian villages, 3 avian temples 4 floran temples, 5 bandet camps, 1 underground bandit camp, 4 mini glich castles, 3 mini avian villages, 6 (i dont know what they are called but) purple cloked bandits camps, 6 purple cloked bandit camps with cages, 1 floran tree house village, 3 labs, 4 glitch villages and 4 apex villages.
    x -426258509 y 683684012 name is Alpha Eulernia 11 (gental star)
    Eisengreifer likes this.
  16. HoodieNinja_7

    HoodieNinja_7 Pangalactic Porcupine

    Anyone have Bone Wings or Terrifying Wings coordinates?
    Actually, do Terrifying Wings even appear normally in Upbeat Giraffe?
    I'm on Windows 7 and use the 32 bit version of the game.
    Bobwaiyaa likes this.
  17. prentice1030

    prentice1030 Orbital Explorer

    Has anyone found an Alpaca Sweater at all? Anyone? I would much appreciate the coordinates for them all I've found are numerous coordinates for the legs and helmet only.
  18. Nalisarc

    Nalisarc Void-Bound Voyager

    X -542667179
    Y -7690013
    Beta Beta Cam Majoris V b
    Threat Moderate
    Multiple bone blueprints
    Apex research dungion
    Glitch kitchen
  19. Keppabar

    Keppabar Big Damn Hero

    Does anyone know what sort of planet i should be looking on for Chili seeds?
  20. holymou

    holymou Phantasmal Quasar

    There are tons of them on Extreme danger magma ocean planets. I recommend using the boat tech to get across the magma oceans.

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